Source code for lXtractor.ext.uniprot

from __future__ import annotations

import operator as op
import typing as t
from collections import abc
from io import StringIO
from itertools import tee
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlencode

import pandas as pd
from more_itertools import chunked_even

from lXtractor.ext.base import ApiBase
from lXtractor.util import read_fasta, write_fasta
from import fetch_text, fetch_chunks, fetch_urls

T = t.TypeVar("T")

[docs] def make_url(accessions: abc.Iterable[str], fmt: str, fields: str | None) -> str: params = { "format": fmt, "query": " OR ".join(map(lambda a: f"accession:{a}", accessions)), } if fmt == "tsv" and fields is not None: params["fields"] = fields return f"{BASE_URL}?{urlencode(params)}"
[docs] def url_getters() -> dict[str, abc.Callable[..., str]]: return { "sequences": lambda acc: make_url(acc, "fasta", None), "info": lambda acc, fields: make_url(acc, "tsv", fields), }
def _filter_existing( accessions: abc.Iterable[str], dir_: Path, fmt: str ) -> abc.Iterator[str]: existing = {p.stem for p in dir_.glob(f"*.{fmt}")} return filter(lambda x: x not in existing, accessions)
[docs] class UniProt(ApiBase): """ An interface to UniProt fetching. :attr:`UniProt.url_getters` defines functions that construct a URL from provided arguments to fetch specific data. For instance, calling a URL getter for sequences in fasta format using a list of sequences will construct a valid URL for fetching the data. >>> uni = UniProt() >>> uni.url_getters['sequences'](['P00523', 'P12931']) '' These URLs are constructed dynamically within this class's methods, used to query UniProt, fetch and parse the data. """
[docs] def __init__( self, chunk_size: int = 100, max_trials: int = 1, num_threads: int = 1, verbose: bool = False, ): """ :param chunk_size: A number of IDs to join within a single URL and query simultaneously. Note that having invalid URL in a chunk invalidates all its IDs: they won't be fetched. For optimal performance, please filter your accessions carefully. :param max_trials: A maximum number of trials for fetching a single chunk. Makes sense to raise above ``1`` when the connection is unstable. :param num_threads: The number of threads to use for fetching chunks in parallel. :param verbose: Display progress bar via stdout. """ super().__init__(url_getters(), max_trials, num_threads, verbose) self.chunk_size = chunk_size
@t.overload def fetch_sequences( self, accessions, dir_, overwrite, callback: None ) -> abc.Iterator[tuple[str, str]]: ... @t.overload def fetch_sequences( self, accessions, dir_, overwrite, callback: abc.Callable[[tuple[str, str]], T] ) -> abc.Iterator[T]: ...
[docs] def fetch_sequences( self, accessions: abc.Iterable[str], dir_: Path | None = None, overwrite: bool = False, callback: abc.Callable[[tuple[str, str]], T] | None = None, ) -> abc.Iterator[tuple[str, str]] | abc.Iterator[T]: """ Fetch sequences in "fasta" format from UniProt. :param accessions: A list of valid accessions to fetch. :param dir_: A directory where individual sequence will be stored. If exists, will filter accessions before fetching unless `overwrite` is ``True``. :param overwrite: Overwrite existing sequences if they exist in `dir_`. :param callback: A function accepting a single sequence and returning anything else. Can be useful to convert sequences into, eg, :class:~lXtractor.chain.sequence.ChainSequence` (for this, pass :meth:~lXtractor.chain.sequence.ChainSequence.from_tuple` here). :return: An iterator over fetched sequences (or whatever ``callback`` returns). """ if dir_ is not None and not overwrite: accessions = _filter_existing(accessions, dir_, "fasta") chunks = map(tuple, chunked_even(accessions, self.chunk_size)) fetched, missed = fetch_urls( self.url_getters["sequences"], chunks, "fasta", None, args_applier=lambda fn, args: fn(args), decode=True, max_trials=self.max_trials, num_threads=self.num_threads, verbose=self.verbose, ) seqs = read_fasta("".join(map(op.itemgetter(1), fetched)), strip_id=False) if dir_ is not None: seqs, seqs_ = tee(seqs) for h, s in seqs_: acc = h.split("|")[1] write_fasta([(h, s)], dir_ / f"{acc}.fasta") if callback is not None: seqs = map(callback, seqs) return seqs
[docs] def fetch_info( self, accessions: abc.Iterable[str], fields: str | None = None, as_df: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame | list[str]: """ Fetch information in tsv format from UniProt. :param accessions: A list of accessions to fetch the info for. :param fields: A comma-separated list of fields to fetch. If ``None``, default fields UniProt provides will be used. :param as_df: Convert fetched tables into pandas dataframes and join them. Otherwise, return raw text corresponding to each chunk of `accessions`. :return: A list of texts per chunk or a single data frame. """ chunks = ((tuple(c), fields) for c in chunked_even(accessions, self.chunk_size)) fetched, missed = fetch_urls( self.url_getters["info"], chunks, "tsv", None, decode=True, max_trials=self.max_trials, num_threads=self.num_threads, verbose=self.verbose, ) texts = map(op.itemgetter(1), fetched) if not as_df: return list(texts) return pd.concat(map(lambda x: pd.read_csv(StringIO(x), sep="\t"), texts))
[docs] def fetch_uniprot( acc: abc.Iterable[str], fmt: str = "fasta", chunk_size: int = 100, fields: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> str: """ An interface to the UniProt's search. Base URL: ` <>`_ Available DB identifiers: See `bioservices <>` :param acc: an iterable over UniProt accessions. :param fmt: download format (e.g., "fasta", "gff", "tab", ...). :param chunk_size: how many accessions to download in a chunk. :param fields: if the ``fmt`` is "tsv", must be provided to specify which data columns to fetch. :param kwargs: passed to :func:``. :return: the 'utf-8' encoded results as a single chunk of text. """ def fetch_chunk(chunk: abc.Iterable[str]): full_url = make_url(chunk, fmt, fields) return fetch_text(full_url, decode=True) results = fetch_chunks(acc, fetch_chunk, chunk_size, **kwargs) return "".join(map(op.itemgetter(1), results))
if __name__ == "__main__": raise ValueError