Source code for lXtractor.ext.sifts

Contains utils allowing to benefit from SIFTS database `UniProt`-`PDBF;`

Namely, the `SIFTS` class is build around the file
The latter contains segment-wise mapping between UniProt sequences
and continuous corresponding regions in PDB structures, and allows us to:

#. Cross-reference PDB and UniProt databases (e.g., which structures
are available for a UniProt "PXXXXXX" accession?)
#. Map between sequence numbering schemes.
import json
import logging
import operator as op
import os
import typing as t
import warnings
from collections import abc, UserDict
from importlib import resources
from itertools import starmap, chain
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
from more_itertools import unzip
from toolz import itemfilter, valmap, groupby, valfilter, keymap

import lXtractor.core.segment as lxs
from lXtractor import resources as local
from lXtractor.core.base import AbstractResource
from lXtractor.chain import ChainSequence
from lXtractor.core.exceptions import MissingData
from import fetch_to_file
from lXtractor.util.misc import col2col

_Mkey = t.TypeVar("_Mkey", ChainSequence, tuple[str, str], Path)

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RAW_SEGMENTS = "uniprot_segments_observed.csv.gz"
ID_MAPPING = "id_mapping.json"
DF_SIFTS = "sifts.tsv"
RESOURCES = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "resources"

# TODO: Create a remote interface. (this may include segment-based mappings,
# although for many files it can be slow)

    ("PDB", "PDB"),
    ("CHAIN", "Chain"),
    ("SP_PRIMARY", "UniProt_ID"),
    ("PDB_BEG", "PDB_start"),
    ("PDB_END", "PDB_end"),
    ("SP_BEG", "UniProt_start"),
    ("SP_END", "UniProt_end"),

def _soft_load_resource(name: str) -> pd.DataFrame | dict | None:
    with resources.path(local, name) as path:
        if not path.exists():
            LOGGER.debug(f"{path} does not exist")
            return None
        suffix = path.suffix
        if suffix in [".tsv", ".gz"]:
            return pd.read_csv(path, sep="\t")
        if suffix in [".json"]:
            with"utf-8") as f:
                return json.load(f)
        LOGGER.warning(f"Failed to load {path}")
        return None

[docs] class Mapping(UserDict): """ A ``dict`` subclass with explicit IDs of keys/values sources. """
[docs] def __init__(self, id_from: str, id_to: str, *args, **kwargs): """ :param id_from: ID of an objects a mapping is from (keys). :param id_to: ID of an object a mapping is to (values). :param args: passed to ``dict``. :param kwargs: passed to ``dict``. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.id_from = id_from self.id_to = id_to
[docs] class SIFTS(AbstractResource): # TODO: rework methods' logic (make CCD-like) and store mapping as msgpack """ A resource to segment-wise and ID mappings between UniProt and PDB. For a first-time usage, you'll need to call :meth:`fetch` to download and store the "uniprot_segments_observed" dataset. >>> sifts = SIFTS() >>> path = sifts.fetch() >>> 'uniprot_segments_observed.csv.gz' Next, :meth:`parse` will process the downloaded file to create and store the table with segments and ID mappings. (We pass ``overwrite=True`` for the doctest to work. It's not needed for the first setup). >>> df, mapping = sifts.parse(store_to_resources=True, overwrite=True) >>> isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) and isinstance(mapping, dict) True >>> list(df.columns)[:4] ['PDB_Chain', 'PDB', 'Chain', 'UniProt_ID'] >>> list(df.columns)[4:] ['PDB_start', 'PDB_end', 'UniProt_start', 'UniProt_end'] Now that we parsed SIFTS segments data, we can use it to map IDs and numberings between UniProt and PDB. Let's reinitalize SIFTS to verify it loads locally stored resources >>> sifts = SIFTS(load_segments=True, load_id_mapping=True) >>> assert isinstance(sifts.df, pd.DataFrame) >>> assert isinstance(sifts.id_mapping, dict) SIFTS has three types of mappings stored: 1) Between UniProt and PDB Chains >>> sifts['P12931'][:4] ['1A07:A', '1A07:B', '1A08:A', '1A08:B'] 2) Between PDB Chains and UniProt IDs >>> sifts['1A07:A'] ['P12931'] 3) Between PDB IDs and PDB Chains >>> sifts['1A07'] ['A', 'B'] The same types of keys are supported to obtain mappings between the numbering schemes. You'll get a generator yielding mappings from UniProt numbering to the PDB numbering. In these two cases, we'll get the mappings for each chain. >>> mappings = list(sifts.map_numbering('P12931')) >>> assert len(mappings) == len(sifts['P12931']) >>> mappings = list(sifts.map_numbering('1A07')) >>> assert len(mappings) == len(sifts['1A07']) == 2 If we specify the chain, we get a single mapping. >>> m = next(sifts.map_numbering('1A07:A')) >>> list(m.items())[:2] [(145, 145), (146, 146)] """
[docs] def __init__( self, resource_path: Path | None = None, resource_name: str = "SIFTS", load_segments: bool = False, load_id_mapping: bool = False, ): """ :param resource_path: a path to a file "uniprot_segments_observed". If not provided, will try finding this file in the ``resources`` module. If the latter fails will attempt fetching the mapping from the FTP server and storing it in the ``resources`` for later use. :param resource_name: the name of the resource. :param load_segments: load pre-parsed segment-level mapping :param load_id_mapping: load pre-parsed id mapping """ self.df = _soft_load_resource(DF_SIFTS) if load_segments else None if load_id_mapping: self.id_mapping = _soft_load_resource(ID_MAPPING) else: self.id_mapping = None if self.df is None else self._prepare_id_map(self.df) resource_path = resource_path or RESOURCES / RAW_SEGMENTS self.renames = dict(SIFTS_RENAMES) super().__init__(resource_path, resource_name)
def _prepare_id_map(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> dict[str, list[str]]: self.id_mapping = { **col2col(df, "UniProt_ID", "PDB_Chain"), **col2col(df, "PDB_Chain", "UniProt_ID"), **col2col(df, "PDB", "Chain"), } LOGGER.debug("Created mapping UniProt ID <-> PDB ID") return self.id_mapping def _store(self): with resources.path(local, "") as base: # Prepare paths base = Path(base) id_mapping_path = base / ID_MAPPING df_path = base / DF_SIFTS with"w") as f: json.dump(self.id_mapping, f) LOGGER.debug(f"Saved ID mapping to {id_mapping_path}") self.df.to_csv(df_path, sep="\t", index=False) LOGGER.debug(f"Saved df to {df_path}") def __getitem__(self, item: str): return self.map_id(item)
[docs] def read(self, overwrite: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame: """ The method reads the initial file "uniprot_segments_observed" into memory. To load parsed files, use :meth:`load`. :param overwrite: overwrite existing ``df`` attribute. :return: pandas ``DataFrame`` object. """ try: LOGGER.debug(f"Reading SIFTS from {self.path}") df = pd.read_csv(self.path, skiprows=1, low_memory=False) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise MissingData( f"Missing file {self.path}. Use `fetch` do download this file." ) from e LOGGER.debug(f"Read `DataFrame` with {len(df)} records") if overwrite: self.df = df return df
[docs] @staticmethod def load() -> tuple[pd.DataFrame | None, dict[str, list[str]] | None]: """ :return: Loaded segments df and name mapping or ``None`` if they don't exist. """ return _soft_load_resource(DF_SIFTS), _soft_load_resource(ID_MAPPING)
[docs] def parse( self, overwrite: bool = False, store_to_resources: bool = True, rm_raw: bool = True, ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, dict[str, list[str]]]: """ Prepare the resource to be used for mapping: - remove records with empty chains. - select and rename key columns based on the ``SIFTS_RENAMES`` constant. - create a `PDB_Chain` column to speed up the search. :param overwrite: Overwrite both :attr:`df` and existing id mapping and parsed segments. :param store_to_resources: Store parsed `DataFrame` and id mapping in resources for further simplified access. :param rm_raw: After parsing is finished, remove raw SIFTS download. **(!) If `store_to_resources` is ``False``, using SIFTS next time will require downloading "uniprot_segments_observed".** :return: prepared :class:`DataFrame` of Segment-wise mapping between UniProt and PDB sequences. Mapping between IDs will be stored in :attr:`id_mapping`. """ if (RESOURCES / DF_SIFTS).exists() and (RESOURCES / ID_MAPPING).exists(): if not overwrite and store_to_resources: raise RuntimeError( "Resources was parsed. Pass overwrite if you want to overwrite." ) if not (RESOURCES / RAW_SEGMENTS).exists(): raise MissingData( "Missing fetched SIFTS. Try calling `fetch` method first." ) df = LOGGER.debug(f"Received {len(df)} records") df = df[list(self.renames)].rename(columns=self.renames).drop_duplicates() LOGGER.debug(f"Renamed and removed duplicates: records={len(df)}") df = df[~df.Chain.isna()] LOGGER.debug(f"Removed entries with empty chains: records={len(df)}") df["PDB"] = df["PDB"].str.upper() df["PDB_Chain"] = [f"{x[1]}:{x[2]}" for x in df[["PDB", "Chain"]].itertuples()] LOGGER.debug("Created PDB_Chain column") for col in ["PDB_start", "PDB_end"]: df[col] = [ "".join(filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), value)) for value in df[col] ] df[col] = df[col].astype(int) LOGGER.debug("Digitized boundaries") sel = ["PDB_Chain"] + list(self.renames.values()) df = df[sel].sort_values(["UniProt_ID", "PDB_Chain"]) LOGGER.debug(f"Finished parsing df: records={len(df)}") if overwrite or self.df is None: self.df = df mapping = self._prepare_id_map(df) if store_to_resources: self._store() if rm_raw: os.remove(self.path) return df, mapping
[docs] def dump(self, path: Path, **kwargs): """ :param path: a valid writable path. :param kwargs: passed to ``DataFrame.to_csv()`` method. :return: """ if self.df is not None: self.df.to_csv(path, **kwargs) raise RuntimeError("Nothing to dump")
[docs] def fetch(self, url: str = SIFTS_FTP, overwrite: bool = False): raw_path = RESOURCES / RAW_SEGMENTS if raw_path.exists() and not overwrite:"Raw SIFTS download exists and will not be overwritten") return raw_path"Fetching SIFTS to {raw_path}") fetch_to_file(url, raw_path)"Downloaded sifts to {raw_path}") return raw_path
@staticmethod def _categorize(obj_id: str) -> str: if ":" in obj_id: LOGGER.debug(f"Assumed {obj_id} to be a PDB:Chain") sel_column = "PDB_Chain" elif len(obj_id) == 4: LOGGER.debug(f"Assumed {obj_id} to be a PDB ID") sel_column = "PDB" else: LOGGER.debug(f"Assumed {obj_id} to be a UniProt ID") sel_column = "UniProt_ID" return sel_column
[docs] def map_numbering(self, obj_id: str) -> abc.Generator[Mapping]: """ Retrieve mappings associated with the ``obj_id``. Mapping example:: 1 -> 2 2 -> 3 3 -> None 4 -> 4 Above, a UniProt sequence maps to two segments of a PDB sequence (2-3 and 4). PDB sequence is always considered a subset of a corresponding UniProt sequence. Thus, any "holes" between continuous PDB segments are filled with ``None``. .. figure:: fig/segments.png :scale: 50 % :alt: segments Mapping from PDB segments to UniProt segments accounting for discontinuities. .. seealso:: :func:`map_segment_numbering <lXtractor.core.segment.map_ segment_numbering>` :func:`wrap_into_segments`. :param obj_id: a string value in three possible formats: 1. "PDB ID:Chain ID" 2. "PDB ID" 3. "UniProt ID" :return: an iterator over the ``Mapping`` objects. These are "unidirectional", i.e., the ``Mapping`` is always from the UniProt numbering to the PDB numbering regardless of the ``obj_id`` nature. """ sel_column = self._categorize(obj_id) if self.df is None: raise MissingData("No SIFTS df found; try calling .parse() first") sub = self.df[self.df[sel_column] == obj_id] LOGGER.debug(f"Subset SIFTS by {sel_column}={obj_id}, records={len(sub)}") if len(sub) == 0: LOGGER.warning(f"Failed to find {obj_id} in SIFTS") yield None group_ids, dfs = unzip(sub.groupby(["UniProt_ID", "PDB_Chain"])) segments = map(wrap_into_segments, dfs) mappings = starmap(lxs.map_segment_numbering, segments) yield from ( Mapping(uni_id, pdb_chain, m) for (uni_id, pdb_chain), m in zip(group_ids, mappings) )
[docs] def map_id(self, x: str) -> list[str] | None: """ :param x: Identifier to map from. :return: A list of IDs that `x` maps to. """ if self.id_mapping is None: self._prepare_id_map(self.df) res = self.id_mapping.get(x) if res is None: LOGGER.warning(f"Couldn't find {x} in SIFTS") return res
@t.overload def prepare_mapping( self, up_ids: abc.Iterable[str], pdb_ids: abc.Iterable[str] | None = None, pdb_method: str | None = "X-ray", pdb_base: Path | None = None, pdb_fmt: str = "cif", pdb_method_filter_kwargs: abc.Mapping[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> abc.Mapping[str, list[tuple[str | Path, list[str]]]]: ... @t.overload def prepare_mapping( self, up_ids: abc.Mapping[str, _Mkey], pdb_ids: abc.Iterable[str] | None = None, pdb_method: str | None = "X-ray", pdb_base: Path | None = None, pdb_fmt: str = "cif", pdb_method_filter_kwargs: abc.Mapping[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> abc.Mapping[_Mkey, list[tuple[str | Path, list[str]]]]: ... @t.overload def prepare_mapping( self, up_ids: abc.Iterable[str] | abc.Mapping[str, _Mkey], pdb_ids: abc.Iterable[str] | None = None, pdb_method: str | None = "X-ray", pdb_base: None = None, pdb_fmt: str = "cif", pdb_method_filter_kwargs: abc.Mapping[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> abc.Mapping[str | _Mkey, list[tuple[str, list[str]]]]: ... @t.overload def prepare_mapping( self, up_ids: abc.Iterable[str] | abc.Mapping[str, _Mkey], pdb_ids: abc.Iterable[str] | None = None, pdb_method: str | None = "X-ray", pdb_base: Path = None, pdb_fmt: str = "cif", pdb_method_filter_kwargs: abc.Mapping[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> abc.Mapping[str | _Mkey, list[tuple[Path, list[str]]]]: ...
[docs] def prepare_mapping( self, up_ids: abc.Iterable[str] | abc.Mapping[str, _Mkey], pdb_ids: abc.Iterable[str] | None = None, pdb_method: str | None = "X-ray", pdb_base: Path | None = None, pdb_fmt: str = "mmtf.gz", pdb_method_filter_kwargs: abc.Mapping[str, t.Any] | None = None, ) -> abc.Mapping[str | _Mkey, list[tuple[str | Path, list[str]]]]: """ Prepare mapping to use with :meth:`lXtractor.core.chain.initializer.ChainInitializer.from_mapping`. Uses SIFTS' UniProt-PDB mappings to derive mapping of the form:: UniProtID => [(PDB code, [PDB chains]), ...] :param up_ids: UniProt IDs to map with :class:`SIFTS` or a mapping of UniProt IDs to objects allowed as keys in ``from_mapping()``. :param pdb_ids: PDB IDs to restrict the mapping to. Can be regular IDs or with chain specifier (eg "1ABC:A"). :param pdb_method: Filter PDB IDs by experimental method. :param pdb_base: A path to a PDB files' dir. If provided, the mapping takes the form:: UniProtID => [(PDB path, [PDB chains]), ...] :param pdb_fmt: PDB file format for files in `pdb_base`. :param pdb_method_filter_kwargs: A keyword arguments passed to :func:`lXtractor.ext.pdb_.filter_by_method` used to filter PDB IDs. :return: A mapping that is almost ready to be used with :class:`lXtractor.core.chain.initializer.ChainInitializer`. The only preparation step left is to replace the keys with compatible type. """ def group_chains(ids: abc.Iterable[str]) -> list[tuple[str, list[str]]]: groups = groupby(op.itemgetter(0), map(lambda x: x.split(":"), ids)) groups = valmap(lambda val: [x[1] for x in val], groups) return list(groups.items()) m = {u_id: self.map_id(u_id) for u_id in up_ids} if pdb_ids is not None: pdb_ids = set(pdb_ids) m = valmap( lambda xs: list( filter(lambda x: x in pdb_ids or x.split(":")[0] in pdb_ids, xs) ), m, ) m = itemfilter(lambda item: item[1] is not None, m) m = valmap(group_chains, m) if pdb_method: from lXtractor.ext import filter_by_method kw = {} if pdb_method_filter_kwargs is None else pdb_method_filter_kwargs if pdb_base is not None and "dir_" not in kw: kw["dir_"] = pdb_base / "info" pdb_ids = chain.from_iterable( map(lambda val: (x[0] for x in val), m.values()) ) pdb_ids = filter_by_method(pdb_ids, method=pdb_method, **kw) m = valmap(lambda val: list(filter(lambda x: x[0] in pdb_ids, val)), m) m = valfilter(bool, m) if pdb_base: if not pdb_base.exists(): warnings.warn(f"`pdb_base` {pdb_base} does not exist") m = valmap( lambda val: [(pdb_base / f"{x[0]}.{pdb_fmt}", x[1]) for x in val], m ) if isinstance(up_ids, abc.Mapping): m = keymap(lambda x: up_ids[x], m) return m
@property def uniprot_ids(self) -> set[str]: """ :return: A set of encompassed UniProt IDs. """ return {x for x in self.id_mapping if self._categorize(x) == "UniProt_ID"} @property def pdb_ids(self) -> set[str]: """ :return: A set of encompassed PDB IDs. """ return {x for x in self.id_mapping if self._categorize(x) == "PDB"} @property def pdb_chains(self) -> set[str]: """ :return: A set of encompassed PDB Chains (in {PDB_ID}:{PDB_Chain} format). """ return {x for x in self.id_mapping if self._categorize(x) == "PDB_Chain"}
[docs] def wrap_into_segments(df: pd.DataFrame) -> tuple[list[lxs.Segment], list[lxs.Segment]]: """ :param df: A subset of a :attr:`Sifts.df` corresponding to a unique "UniProt_ID -- PDB_ID:Chain_ID" pair. :return: Two lists with the same length (1) UniProt segments, and (2) PDB segments, where segments correspond to each other. """ ids = df["UniProt_ID"].unique() if len(ids) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Expected single UniProt ID for group {df}, got {ids}") ids = df["PDB_Chain"].unique() if len(ids) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Expected single PDB chain for group {df}, got {ids}") uniprot_segments, pdb_segments = map( list, unzip( ( lxs.Segment(row.UniProt_start, row.UniProt_end), lxs.Segment(row.PDB_start, row.PDB_end), ) for _, row in df.iterrows() ), ) return uniprot_segments, pdb_segments
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError