Source code for lXtractor.ext.pdb_

Utilities to interact with the RCSB PDB database.
import json
import logging
from collections import abc
from pathlib import Path

from toolz import valfilter

from lXtractor.core.base import UrlGetter
from lXtractor.core.exceptions import FormatError
from lXtractor.ext.base import StructureApiBase
from import fetch_text

    # Single-argument group
    ("chem_comp", "comp_id"),
    ("drugbank", "comp_id"),
    ("entry", "entry_id"),
    ("pubmed", "entry_id"),
    ("entry_groups", "group_id"),
    ("polymer_entity_groups", "group_id"),
    ("group_provenance", "group_provenance_id"),
    # Two-argument group
    ("assembly", "entry_id", "assembly_id"),
    ("branched_entity", "entry_id", "entity_id"),
    ("nonpolymer_entity", "entry_id", "entity_id"),
    ("polymer_entity", "entry_id", "entity_id"),
    ("branched_entity_instance", "entry_id", "asym_id"),
    ("nonpolymer_entity_instance", "entry_id", "asym_id"),
    ("polymer_entity_instance", "entry_id", "asym_id"),
    ("uniprot", "entry_id", "entity_id"),
    # Three-argument group
    ("interface", "entry_id", "assembly_id", "interface_id"),
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def url_getters() -> dict[str, UrlGetter]: """ :return: A dictionary with {name: getter} where getter is a function accepting string args and returning a valid URL. """ def url_getter_factory(name, *args): args_fn = ", ".join(args) args_url = "/".join(f"{{{x}}}" for x in args) base = "" fn = f'lambda {args_fn}: f"{base}/{name}/{args_url}"' return eval(fn) # pylint: disable=eval-used def structures_url(entry_id, fmt): if fmt in ["pdb", "cif", "pdb.gz", "cif.gz"]: base = "" elif fmt in ["mmtf", "mmtf.gz"]: fmt = "mmtf.gz" base = "" else: raise FormatError(f"Unrecognized file format {fmt} for entry {entry_id}") url = f"{base}/{entry_id}.{fmt}" return url result = {x[0]: url_getter_factory(*x) for x in SERVICES} result["structures"] = structures_url return result
[docs] class PDB(StructureApiBase): """ Basic RCSB PDB interface to fetch structures and information. Example of fetching structures: >>> pdb = PDB() >>> fetched, failed = pdb.fetch_structures(['2src', '2oiq'], dir_=None) >>> len(fetched) == 2 and len(failed) == 0 True >>> (args1, res1), (args2, res2) = fetched >>> assert {args1, args2} == {('2src', 'cif'), ('2oiq', 'cif')} >>> isinstance(res1, str) and isinstance(res2, str) True Example of fetching information: >>> pdb = PDB() >>> fetched, failed = pdb.fetch_info( ... 'entry', [('2SRC', ), ('2OIQ', )], dir_=None) >>> len(failed) == 0 and len(fetched) == 2 True >>> (args1, res1), (args2, res2) = fetched >>> assert {args1, args2} == {('2SRC', ), ('2OIQ', )} >>> assert isinstance(res1, dict) and isinstance(res2, dict) .. hint:: Check :meth:`list_services` to list available info services. """
[docs] def __init__( self, max_trials: int = 1, num_threads: int | None = None, verbose: bool = False ): super().__init__(url_getters(), max_trials, num_threads, verbose)
@property def supported_str_formats(self) -> list[str]: """ :return: A list of formats supported by :meth:`fetch_structures`. """ return ["pdb", "cif", "mmtf", "pdb.gz", "cif.gz", "mmtf.gz"]
[docs] @staticmethod def fetch_obsolete() -> dict[str, str]: """ :return: A dict where keys are obsolete PDB IDs and values are replacement PDB IDs or an empty string if no replacement was made. """ text = fetch_text(OBSOLETE_LINK, decode=True) lines = map(str.split, text.split("\n")[1:]) return valfilter( bool, {x[2]: (x[3] if len(x) == 4 else "") for x in lines if len(x) >= 3} )
[docs] def filter_by_method( pdb_ids: abc.Iterable[str], pdb: PDB = PDB(), method: str = "X-ray", dir_: Path | None = None, ) -> list[str]: """ .. seealso:: :meth:`PDB.fetch_info <lXtractor.ext.pdb_.PDB.fetch_info>` .. note:: Keys for the info dict are 'rcsb_entry_info' -> 'experimental_method' :param pdb_ids: An iterable over PDB IDs. :param pdb: Fetcher instance. If not provided, will init with default params. :param method: Method to match. Must correspond exactly. :param dir_: Dir to save info "entry" json dumps. :return: A list of PDB IDs obtained by desired experimental procedure. """ def method_matches(d: dict) -> bool: try: return d["rcsb_entry_info"]["experimental_method"] == method except KeyError as e: LOGGER.warning(f"Missing required key {e}") return False def get_existing(ids: abc.Iterable[str], _dir: Path) -> list[tuple[str, Path]]: res = ((x, (_dir / f"{x}.json")) for x in ids) return [x for x in res if x[1].exists()] def load_file(inp: str | Path | dict, base: Path | None) -> dict: try: if isinstance(inp, dict): return inp if isinstance(inp, str): assert base is not None, "base path provided with base filename" inp = base / f"{inp}.json" with as f: res = json.load(f) assert isinstance(res, dict), "loaded json correctly" return res except FileNotFoundError: LOGGER.warning(f"Missing supposedly fetched {inp}") return {} pdb_ids = list(pdb_ids) existing = get_existing(pdb_ids, dir_) if dir_ is not None else [] fetched, missed = pdb.fetch_info("entry", pdb_ids, dir_) fetched += existing fetched = [(x[0], load_file(x[1], dir_)) for x in fetched] if missed: missed_display = ",".join(missed) if len(missed) < 100 else "" LOGGER.warning(f"Failed to fetch {len(missed)} ids: {missed_display}") # fails to recognize x[1] must be dict return [x[0] for x in fetched if method_matches(x[1])] # type: ignore
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError