Source code for lXtractor.variables.sequential

Module defines variables calculated on sequences
from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import abc

from more_itertools import islice_extended

from lXtractor.core.config import DefaultConfig
from lXtractor.core.exceptions import FailedCalculation
from lXtractor.variables.base import SequenceVariable, MappingT, ProtFP
from lXtractor.variables.util import _try_map

T = t.TypeVar("T")
V = t.TypeVar("V")
K = t.TypeVar("K")

_ProtFP = ProtFP()

__all__ = ("SeqEl", "PFP", "SliceTransformReduce", "make_str")

[docs] class SeqEl(SequenceVariable[T, T]): """ A sequence element variable. It doesn't encompass any calculation. Rather, it simply accesses sequence at certain position. >>> v1, v2 = SeqEl(1), SeqEl(1, 'X') >>> s1, s2 = 'XYZ', [1, 2, 3] >>> v1.calculate(s1,, 'X' >>> v2.calculate(s2,, 1 """ __slots__ = ("p", "_rtype", "seq_name")
[docs] def __init__( self, p: int, _rtype: str = "str", seq_name: str = DefaultConfig["mapnames"]["seq1"], ): """ :param p: Position, starting from 1. :param seq_name: The name of the sequence used to distinguish variables pointing to the same position. """ #: Position, starting from 1. self.p = p #: Return type specified explicitly since it can be any valid sequence #: element self._rtype = _rtype #: Sequence name for which the element is accessed self.seq_name = seq_name
@property def rtype(self) -> t.Type[T]: return eval(self._rtype)
[docs] def calculate(self, obj: abc.Sequence[T], mapping: MappingT | None = None) -> T: p: int = _try_map(self.p, mapping) try: return obj[p - 1] except IndexError as e: raise FailedCalculation(f"Missing index {p - 1} in sequence") from e
[docs] class PFP(SequenceVariable): """ A ProtFP embedding variable. .. seealso:: :class:`lXtractor.variables.base.ProtFP` """ __slots__ = ("p", "i")
[docs] def __init__(self, p: int, i: int): """ :param p: Position, starting from 1. :param i: A PCA component index starting from 1. """ #: Position, starting from 1 self.p = p #: A PCA component index starting from 1. self.i = i
@property def rtype(self) -> t.Type[float]: return float
[docs] def calculate( self, obj: abc.Sequence[str], mapping: MappingT | None = None ) -> float: p = _try_map(self.p, mapping) try: return _ProtFP[(obj[p - 1], self.i)] except (KeyError, IndexError) as e: raise FailedCalculation(f"Failed to map {p - 1} with ProtFP") from e
[docs] class SliceTransformReduce(SequenceVariable, t.Generic[T, V, K]): """ A composite variable with three sequential operations: 1. Slice -- subset the sequence (optional). 2. Transform -- transform the sequence (optional). 3. Reduce -- reduce to a final variable. **This is an abstract class.** It requires to define at least two methods: 1. :meth:`transform`. 2. :meth:`rtype` property. .. seealso:: :func:`make_str` -- a factory function to quickly make child classes. """ __slots__ = ("start", "stop", "step", "seq_name")
[docs] def __init__( self, start: int | None = None, stop: int | None = None, step: int | None = None, seq_name: str = DefaultConfig["mapnames"]["seq1"], ): """ .. note:: `start` and `stop` have inclusive boundaries. :param start: Start position :param stop: Stop position. :param step: Slicing step. :param seq_name: Sequence name. Please use it in case a resulting variable will be applied to seqs other than the primary sequence. """ #: Start position. self.start = start #: End position. self.stop = stop #: Slicing step. self.step = step #: Sequence name. self.seq_name = seq_name
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def reduce(seq: abc.Iterable[T] | abc.Iterable[K]) -> V: """ Reduce the input iterable into the variable result. :param seq: Some sort of iterable -- the results of the transform (or slicing, if no transformation is used) :return: An aggregated value (e.g., float, string, etc.). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def transform(seq: abc.Iterable[K]) -> abc.Iterable[T] | abc.Iterable[K]: """ Optionally transform the slicing result. If not used, it is the identity operation. :param seq: The result of slicing operation. If no slicing is used, it is just an ``iter(input_seq)``. :return: Iterable over transformed elements (can have another type than the input ones). """ return seq
[docs] def calculate(self, obj: abc.Iterable[K], mapping: MappingT | None = None) -> V: start, stop, step = map( lambda x: None if x is None else _try_map(x, mapping), [self.start, self.stop, self.step], ) if start is not None: start -= 1 return self.reduce(self.transform(islice_extended(obj, start, stop, step)))
# TODO: isn't compatible with parallel computation because ABC aren't serializable # monitor the solution in the next # versions of dill # It works now: might be a quick hack around
[docs] def make_str( reduce: abc.Callable[[abc.Iterable[T]], V], rtype: t.Type, transform: abc.Callable[[abc.Iterator[K]], abc.Iterable[T]] | None = None, reduce_name: str | None = None, transform_name: str | None = None, ) -> t.Type[SliceTransformReduce]: """ Makes a non-abstract subclass of :class:`SliceTransformReduce` with specific transform and reduce operations. To make things clearer, transform and reduce operations will have certain names that will be incoroporated into a created class name. **Example 1: no transformation:** >>> v_type = make_str(sum, float) >>> v_type.__name__ 'SliceSum' To instanciate it, we provide additional slicing parameters >>> v = v_type(1, 2, seq_name='X') >>> "SliceSum(start=1,stop=2,step=None,seq_name='X')" >>> v.calculate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5],, 3 **Example 2: with transformation:** Note that the first operatoiin -- slicing -- inevitably produces an iterator over the input sequence. Hence, even if we aren't slicing, i.e., provide ``None`` for all :meth:`SliceTransformReduce.__init__` arguments, we still obtain an iterator over characters. Therefore, we convert it to string and then apply the necessary operation. Note that this feature makes transform ``map``-friendly. >>> count_x = lambda x: sum(1 for c in x if c == 'X') >>> upper = lambda x: "".join(x).upper() >>> v = make_str(count_x, int, transform=upper, transform_name='upper', ... reduce_name='countX')() >>> v.calculate('XoXoxo',, 3 >>> "SliceUpperCountx(start=None,stop=None,step=None,seq_name='seq1')" .. seealso:: :class:`SliceTransformReduce` -- a base abstract class from which this function generates variables. :param reduce: Reduce operation peferably producing a single output. :param rtype: Return type of the reduce operation and, since this is the last operatoin, of a variable itself. :param transform: Optional transformation operation. It accepts an iterator over (optionally) sliced input elements and returns an iterable over elements of potentially another type, as long as they are supported by the `reduce`. :param reduce_name: The name of the reduce operation. Please provide it in case using ``lambda``. :param transform_name: The name of the transform operation. Please provide it in case using ``lambda``. :return: An uninitialized subclass of :class:`SliceTransformReduce` encapsulating the provided operations within the :meth:`SliceTransformReduce.calculate`. """ d = {"reduce": staticmethod(reduce), "rtype": property(lambda _: rtype)} if transform is None: transform_name = "" else: transform_name = transform_name or transform.__name__ d["transform"] = staticmethod(transform) reduce_name = reduce_name or reduce.__name__ transform_name, reduce_name = map( lambda x: x.capitalize(), [transform_name, reduce_name] ) cls_name = f"Slice{transform_name}{reduce_name}" obj = type(cls_name, (SliceTransformReduce,), d) return obj
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError