Source code for lXtractor.variables.calculator

Module defining variable calculators managing the exact calculation process
of variables on objects.
from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
from collections import abc
from itertools import repeat

from more_itertools import peekable
from toolz import curry

from lXtractor.core.exceptions import FailedCalculation
from lXtractor.util import apply
from lXtractor.variables.base import (

M: t.TypeAlias = MappingT | abc.Iterable[MappingT | None] | None
METHODS = ("joblib", "multiprocess")

# TODO: docs

def _try_calculate(
    inp: tuple[OT, VT, MappingT | None],
    valid_exceptions: abc.Sequence[t.Type[Exception]] | None,
) -> ERT:
    o, v, m = inp
    if valid_exceptions is not None:
            return True, v.calculate(o, m)
        except tuple(valid_exceptions) as e:
            return False, str(e)
    return True, v.calculate(o, m)

def _calc_on_object(
    inp: tuple[OT, abc.Iterable[VT], MappingT | None],
    valid_exceptions: abc.Sequence[t.Type[Exception]] | None,
) -> list[ERT]:
    o, vs, m = inp
    return [_try_calculate((o, v, m), valid_exceptions) for v in vs]

[docs] def calculate( o: abc.Iterable[OT], v: abc.Iterable[VT] | abc.Iterable[abc.Iterable[VT]], m: MappingT | abc.Iterable[MappingT | None] | None, valid_exceptions: abc.Sequence[t.Type[Exception]] | None, num_proc: int, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> abc.Generator[abc.Iterator[ERT], None, None]: # Unpack o to know the size o = list(o) # Check variables type v = peekable(v) fst = v.peek(None) if isinstance(fst, AbstractVariable): v = repeat(list(v), len(o)) if m is None: m = repeat(None, len(o)) elif isinstance(m, abc.Mapping): m = repeat(m, len(o)) inputs = zip(o, v, m, strict=True) fn = _calc_on_object(valid_exceptions=valid_exceptions) yield from apply(fn, inputs, verbose, "Calculating variables", num_proc, **kwargs)
[docs] class GenericCalculator(AbstractCalculator): """ Parallel calculator, calculating variables in parallel. Duh. """ __slots__ = ("num_proc", "valid_exceptions", "apply_kwargs", "verbose")
[docs] def __init__( self, num_proc: int = 1, valid_exceptions: abc.Sequence[t.Type[Exception]] = (FailedCalculation,), apply_kwargs: dict | None = None, verbose: bool = False, ): self.num_proc = num_proc self.valid_exceptions = valid_exceptions self.apply_kwargs = apply_kwargs or {} self.verbose = verbose
@t.overload def __call__(self, o: OT, v: VT, m: MappingT | None) -> ERT: ... @t.overload def __call__( self, o: abc.Iterable[OT], v: abc.Iterable[VT] | abc.Iterable[abc.Iterable[VT]], m: abc.Iterable[MappingT | None] | None, ) -> abc.Iterable[abc.Iterable[ERT]]: ...
[docs] def __call__( self, o: OT | abc.Iterable[OT], v: VT | abc.Iterable[VT] | abc.Iterable[abc.Iterable[VT]], m: MappingT | abc.Iterable[MappingT | None] | None, ) -> ERT | abc.Iterable[abc.Iterable[ERT]]: if isinstance(v, abc.Iterable): return calculate( o, v, m, self.valid_exceptions, self.num_proc, self.verbose, **self.apply_kwargs, ) assert ( isinstance(m, abc.Mapping) or m is None ), "Mapping must be a single object" return _try_calculate((o, v, m), self.valid_exceptions)
[docs] def map( self, o: OT, v: abc.Iterable[VT], m: MappingT | None ) -> abc.Generator[ERT, None, None]: v = list(v) inputs = zip( repeat(o, len(v)), v, repeat(m, len(v)), strict=True, ) fn = _try_calculate(valid_exceptions=self.valid_exceptions) yield from apply( fn, inputs, self.verbose, "Calculating variables", self.num_proc )
[docs] def vmap( self, o: abc.Iterable[OT], v: VT, m: abc.Iterable[MappingT | None] | MappingT | None, ) -> abc.Generator[ERT, None, None]: o = list(o) if m is None or isinstance(m, abc.Mapping): m = repeat(m, len(o)) inputs = zip(o, repeat(v, len(o)), m) fn = _try_calculate(valid_exceptions=self.valid_exceptions) yield from apply( fn, inputs, self.verbose, "Calculating variables", self.num_proc )
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError