Source code for lXtractor.core.segment

Module defines a segment object serving as base class for sequences
in lXtractor.
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import operator as op
import typing as t
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple, abc
from copy import deepcopy, copy
from itertools import combinations, filterfalse, chain

import networkx as nx
from more_itertools import always_reversible, powerset, take, nth, unique_everseen
from import tqdm

from lXtractor.core.base import Ord, NamedTupleT
from lXtractor.core.config import DefaultConfig
from lXtractor.core.exceptions import (
from lXtractor.util.misc import is_valid_field_name

    from lXtractor.variables.base import Variables

_S = t.TypeVar("_S", bound="Segment", contravariant=True)
T = t.TypeVar("T")
_Joiner: t.TypeAlias = abc.Callable[[abc.Sequence[T], abc.Sequence[T]], abc.Sequence[T]]
_Filler: t.TypeAlias = abc.Callable[[int], abc.Sequence[t.Any]]
# _IterType = t.Union[abc.Iterator[tuple], abc.Iterator[namedtuple]]
DATA_HANDLE_MODES = ("merge", "self", "other")
DISALLOWED_NAME_SYMBOLS = ("|", "/", "\\")
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _Item(t.Protocol):
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> NamedTupleT:

def _check_boundary_change(x_orig: int, x_new: int):
    if x_orig != 0 and x_new == 0:
        raise IndexError(f"Can't change none-zero coordinate {x_orig} to zero")
    if x_orig == 0:
        raise IndexError("Can't change boundaries of an empty segment")
    if x_new < 0:
        raise IndexError(f"Attempting to set a negative boundary {x_new}")

[docs] class Segment(abc.Sequence[NamedTupleT]): """ An arbitrary segment with inclusive boundaries containing arbitrary number of sequences. Sequences themselves may be retrieved via ``[]`` syntax: >>> s = Segment(1, 10, 'S', seqs={'X': list(range(10))}) >>> == 'S|1-10' True >>> s['X'] == list(range(10)) True >>> 'X' in s True One can use the same syntax to check if a Segment contains certain index: >>> 1 in s and 10 in s and not 11 in s True Iteration over the segment yields it's items: >>> next(iter(s)) Item(i=1, X=0) One can just get the same item by explicit index: >>> s[1] Item(i=1, X=0) Slicing returns an iterable slice object: >>> list(s[1:2]) [Item(i=1, X=0), Item(i=2, X=1)] One can add a new sequence in two ways. 1) using a method: >>> s.add_seq('Y', tuple(range(10, 20))) >>> 'Y' in s True 2) using ``[]`` syntax: >>> s['Y'] = tuple(range(10, 20)) >>> 'Y' in s True Note that using the first method, if ``s`` already contains ``Y``, this will cause an exception. To overwrite a sequence with the same name, please use explicit ``[]`` syntax. Additionally, one can offset Segment indices using ``>>``/``<<`` syntax. This operation mutates original Segment! >>> s >> 1 S|2-11 >>> 11 in s True """ __slots__ = ( "_start", "_end", "_name", "_parent", "_id", "_seqs", "children", "meta", "variables", )
[docs] def __init__( self, start: int, end: int, name: str = "S", seqs: dict[str, abc.Sequence[t.Any]] | None = None, parent: t.Self | None = None, children: abc.MutableSequence[t.Self] | None = None, meta: dict[str, t.Any] | None = None, variables: Variables | None = None, ): """ :param start: Start coordinate. :param end: End coordinate. :param name: The name of the segment. Name with start and end coordinates should uniquely specify the segment. They are used to dynamically construct :meth:`id`. :param seqs: A dictionary name => sequence, where sequence is some sequence (preferably mutable) bounded by segment. Name of a sequence must be "simple", i.e., convertable to a field of a namedtuple. :param parent: Parental segment bounding this instance, typically obtained via :meth:`sub` or :meth:`sub_by` methods. :param children: A mapping name => :class:`Segment` with child segments bounded by this instance. :param meta: A dictionary with any meta-information str() => str() since reading/writing `meta` to disc will inevitably convert values to strings. :param variables: A collection of variables calculated or staged for calculation for this segment. """ if (start <= 0 or end <= 0) and start != end: raise ValueError("Boundaries must start from 1") self._start = start self._end = end self._name = self._parse_name(name) self._parent = parent self.children = children or [] self.meta: dict[str, t.Any] = meta or {} self._seqs: dict[str, abc.Sequence[t.Any]] = seqs or {} self._id = self._make_id() from lXtractor.variables.base import Variables self.variables: Variables = variables or Variables() self._setup_and_validate()
@staticmethod def _parse_name(s: t.Any): s = str(s) for x in DISALLOWED_NAME_SYMBOLS: if x in s: raise NameError(f"Name {s} contains disallowed symbol {x}") return s @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value: str): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("Name must have the type `str`") self._name = value self._id = self._make_id() @property def start(self) -> int: """ :return: A Segment's start coordinate. """ return self._start @start.setter def start(self, value: int): _check_boundary_change(self.start, value) if value > self.end: raise IndexError( f"Cannot start {value} further than the current end {self.end}" ) if value > self.start: idx = _translate_idx(value, self.start) self._seqs = {k: s[idx:] for k, s in self._seqs.items()} self._start = value self._validate_seqs() else: if value < self.start: if not self._seqs: self._start = value else: raise IndexError( f"Cannot set start {self.start} to {value} with " "existing sequences" ) self._id = self._make_id() @property def end(self) -> int: """ :return: A Segment's end coordinate. """ return self._end @end.setter def end(self, value: int): _check_boundary_change(self.end, value) if value < self.start: raise IndexError( f"Cannot set end {value} lower than the current start {self.start}" ) if value < self.end: idx = _translate_idx(value, self.start) + 1 self._seqs = {k: s[:idx] for k, s in self._seqs.items()} self._end = value self._validate_seqs() else: if value > self.end: if not self._seqs: self._end = value else: raise IndexError( f"Cannot set end {self.end} to {value} with existing sequences" ) self._id = self._make_id() @property def parent(self) -> t.Self | None: return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, parent: t.Self | None): if not isinstance(parent, (type(self), type(None))): raise TypeError( f"Parent must be of the same type {type(self)}. " f"Got {type(parent)} instead" ) self._parent = parent self._id = self._make_id() def _make_id(self): parent = f"<-({})" if self.parent else "" sep = DefaultConfig["separators"] return f"{}{sep['start_end']}{self.start}-{self.end}{parent}" @property def id(self) -> str: """ :return: Unique segment's identifier encapsulating name, boundaries and parents of a segment if it was spawned from another :class:`Segment` instance. For example:: S|1-2<-(P|1-10) would specify a segment `S` with boundaries ``[1, 2]`` descended from `P`. """ return self._id
[docs] def id_strip_parents(self): """ :return: An identifier of this segment without parent information. """ return"<-")[0]
@property def item_type(self) -> _Item: """ A factory to make an `Item` namedtuple object encapsulating sequence names contained within this instance. The first field is reserved for "i" -- an index. :return: `Item` namedtuple object. """ # Returns Type[Tuple[Any, ...]] return namedtuple("Item", ["i", *self._seqs.keys()]) # type: ignore @property def is_empty(self) -> bool: """ :return: ``True`` if the segment is empty. Emptiness is a special case, in which :class:`Segment` ``has start == end == 0``. """ return self.start == self.end == 0 @property def is_singleton(self) -> bool: """ :return: ``True`` if the segment contains a single element. In this special case, ``start == end``. """ return self.start == self.end @property def seq_names(self) -> list[str]: """ :return: A list of sequence names this segment entails. """ return list(self._seqs) def __str__(self) -> str: return def __repr__(self) -> str: return def __iter__(self) -> abc.Iterator[NamedTupleT]: if self.is_empty: return iter([]) item_type = self.item_type enum = range(self.start, self.end + 1) if self._seqs: return ( item_type(i, *x) for i, x in zip(enum, zip(*self._seqs.values()), strict=True) ) return (item_type(i) for i in enum) @t.overload def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> NamedTupleT: ... @t.overload def __getitem__(self, idx: slice) -> t.Self: ... @t.overload def __getitem__(self, idx: str) -> abc.Sequence[t.Any]: ... def __getitem__( self, idx: slice | int | str ) -> NamedTupleT | t.Self | abc.Sequence[t.Any]: idx_py: int | slice if isinstance(idx, str): if idx == "i": return list(range(self.start, self.end + 1)) return self._seqs[idx] if isinstance(idx, (int, slice)): if self.is_empty: raise IndexError("No slicing/indexing for an empty segment") if isinstance(idx, int): if idx == 0: raise IndexError( "Segment uses 1-based indexing, 0 is reserved for " "an empty segment" ) idx_py = _translate_idx(idx, self.start) it = nth(iter(self), idx_py, None) if it is None: raise IndexError( f"Index {idx}->{idx_py} lies outside of [0, {len(self)}]" ) return it # try: # seqs = {k: v[idx_py : idx_py + 1] for k, v in self._seqs.items()} # except IndexError as e: # raise IndexError(f'{idx_py} is not in segment') from e # return self.__class__(idx, idx,, seqs) if isinstance(idx, slice): if idx.start == 0 or idx.stop == 0: raise IndexError( "Segment uses 1-based indexing, 0 is reserved for " "an empty segment" ) if idx.step is not None: raise IndexError( 'Cannot create non-consecutive copy of segment => "step" ' "is slicing-incompatible" ) if idx.start is not None and idx.start < self.start: idx = slice(None, idx.stop, idx.step) if idx.stop is not None and idx.stop > self.end: idx = slice(idx.start, None, idx.step) if idx.start is not None and idx.stop is not None and idx.start > idx.stop: raise IndexError( f"Start index {idx.start} is higher than end index {idx.stop}" ) if (idx.start, idx.stop) in [ (None, None), (None, self.end), (self.start, None), (self.start, self.end), ]: return deepcopy(self) idx_py = _translate_idx(idx, self.start) try: seqs = {k: v[idx_py.start : idx_py.stop] for k, v in self._seqs.items()} except IndexError as e: raise IndexError(f"Failed to index sequences using {idx}") from e start = idx.start or self.start end = idx.stop or self.end return self.__class__(start, end,, seqs, parent=self) else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot index with type {type(idx)}") def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: abc.Sequence[t.Any]) -> None: self._validate_seq(key, value) self._seqs[key] = value def __reversed__(self) -> abc.Iterator[NamedTupleT]: return always_reversible(iter(self)) def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: match item: case str(): return item in self._seqs case Ord(): return self.start <= item <= self.end case _: return False def __len__(self) -> int: if self.is_empty: return 0 return self.end - self.start + 1 def __and__(self, other: t.Self) -> t.Self: return self.overlap_with(other, True, "self") def __or__(self, other: t.Self) -> t.Self: def fill_str(s: int) -> str: return "*" * s def fill_seq(s: int) -> list[None]: return [None] * s def make_fillers( d: abc.Mapping[str, abc.Sequence[t.Any]] ) -> dict[str, _Filler]: return dict( (k, fill_str if isinstance(v, str) else fill_seq) for k, v in d.items() ) fillers = {**make_fillers(self._seqs), **make_fillers(other._seqs)} return self.append(other, filler=fillers) def __eq__(self, other: t.Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return ( self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end and self.meta == other.meta and all(it_self == it_other for it_self, it_other in zip(self, other)) ) def __hash__(self): return hash( # seqs = tuple(tuple(x) for x in self) # return hash((self.start, self.end,, seqs, tuple(self.meta.items()))) def __rshift__(self, idx: int) -> Segment: if self.is_empty: raise ValueError("Cannot shift an empty segment") return Segment(self.start + idx, self.end + idx,, seqs=self._seqs) def __lshift__(self, idx: int) -> Segment: if self.is_empty: raise ValueError("Cannot shift an empty segment") return Segment(self.start - idx, self.end - idx,, seqs=self._seqs) def _validate_seq(self, name: str, seq: abc.Sequence): if not is_valid_field_name(name): raise FormatError( f"Invalid field name {name}. " f"Please use a valid variable name starting with a letter" ) if len(seq) != len(self): raise LengthMismatch( f"Len({name})={len(seq)} doesn't match the segment's length {len(self)}" ) def _validate_seqs(self): for k, seq in self._seqs.items(): if len(seq) != len(self): self._validate_seq(k, seq) def _setup_and_validate(self): if self.start > self.end or self.start < 0 or self.end < 0: raise FormatError(f"Invalid boundaries {self.start}, {self.end}") self._validate_seqs()
[docs] def add_seq(self, name: str, seq: abc.Sequence[t.Any]) -> None: """ Add sequence to this segment. :param name: Sequence's name. Should be convertible to the namedtuple's field. :param seq: A sequence with arbitrary elements and the length of a segment. :return: returns nothing. This operation mutates `attr:`seqs`. :raise ValueError: If the `name` is reserved by another segment. """ if not is_valid_field_name(name): raise ValueError( f"Invalid field name {name}. " f"Please use a valid variable name starting with a letter" ) if name not in self: self[name] = seq else: raise ValueError( f"Segment already contains {name}. " f"To overwrite existing sequences, use [] syntax" )
[docs] def append( self, other: t.Self, filler: _Filler | abc.Mapping[str, _Filler] = (lambda x: [None] * x), joiner: _Joiner | abc.Mapping[str, _Joiner] = op.add, ) -> t.Self: """ Append another segment to this one. The encompassed sequences will be merged together by `joiner`. If a sequence is missing in this segment or `other`, `filler` will create a sequence with filled values. The sequences will be deep-copied before merge. >>> a = Segment(1, 3, "A", seqs={"A": "AAA"}) >>> b = Segment(1, 2, "B", seqs={"B": "BB"}) >>> c = a.append(b, filler=lambda x: '*' * x) >>> 'A|1-5' >>> c['A'] 'AAA**' >>> c['B'] '***BB' Note that the same can be achieved via ``|`` operator: >>> a | b == a.append(b, filler=lambda x: '*' * x) True This will use ``"*"`` filler for ``str``-type sequences and ``None`` for the rest and use the default `joiner` for joining them. .. note:: Appending to an empty segment will return `other`. Appending an empty segment will return this segment. .. warning:: Appending creates a new segment and removes associated parent and metadata :param other: Another arbitrary segment. :param filler: A callable accepting the positive integer and returning a filled in a sequence or a ``dict`` mapping sequence names to such callables. :param joiner: A callable accepting two sequences and returning a merged sequence or a ``dict`` mapping sequence names to such callables. :return: A new segment with the same name as this segment, extended by `other`. """ def fill_by_empty( seqs1: dict[str, abc.Sequence[t.Any]], seqs2: dict[str, abc.Sequence[t.Any]], size: int, ): for k, v in seqs2.items(): if k not in seqs1: if isinstance(filler, abc.Mapping): f_fn = filler[k] else: f_fn = filler seqs1[k] = f_fn(size) if self.is_empty: return other if other.is_empty: return self seqs_self = deepcopy(self._seqs) seqs_other = deepcopy(other._seqs) fill_by_empty(seqs_self, seqs_other, len(self)) fill_by_empty(seqs_other, seqs_self, len(other)) seqs = {} for _k in unique_everseen(chain(seqs_self, seqs_other)): if isinstance(joiner, abc.Mapping): j_fn = joiner[_k] else: j_fn = joiner try: seqs[_k] = j_fn(seqs_self[_k], seqs_other[_k]) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to join {_k}") from e return self.__class__( self.start, self.start + len(self) + len(other) - 1,, seqs )
[docs] def insert(self, other: t.Self, i: int, **kwargs) -> t.Self: """ Insert a segment into this one. The function splits this segment into two parts at the provided index and insert `other` between them via :meth:`append`. The latter handles common/unique sequences via `filler` and `joiner` arguments, which can be passed here as keyword arguments. .. note:: Inserting an empty segment returns this instance. Inserting a segment at the :meth:`end` appends `other`. .. warning:: Inserting creates a new segment and removes associated parent and metadata :param other: Another segment to insert. :param i: Index to insert at. The insertion will be performed after `i`. :param kwargs: Passed to :meth:`append`. :return: A new segment with inserted `other`. :raises IndexError: If attempting to insert at an invalid index. Only indices ``start < i <= end`` are valid. """ if other.is_empty: return self if self.is_empty: raise IndexError("Cannot insert into empty segment") if i == self.end: return self.append(other, **kwargs) if not (self.start <= i < self.end): raise IndexError("Provided index is outside of this segment's boundaries") s1, s2 = self[self.start : i], self[i + 1 : self.end] return s1.append(other, **kwargs).append(s2, **kwargs)
[docs] def remove_seq(self, name: str) -> None: """ Remove sequence from this segment. :param name: Sequence's name. If doesn't exist in this segment, nothing happens. """ try: self._seqs.pop(name) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def bounds(self, other: Segment) -> bool: """ Check if this segment bounds other. :: self: +-------+ other: +----+ => True :param other; Another segment. """ return other.is_empty or (other.start >= self.start and self.end >= other.end)
[docs] def bounded_by(self, other: Segment) -> bool: """ Check whether this segment is bounded by other. :: self: +----+ other: +------+ => True :param other; Another segment. """ return self.is_empty or (self.start >= other.start and other.end >= self.end)
[docs] def overlaps(self, other: Segment) -> bool: """ Check whether a segment overlaps with the other segment. Use :meth:`overlap_with` to produce an overlapping child :class:`Segment`. :param other: other :class:`Segment` instance. :return: ``True`` if segments overlap and ``False`` otherwise. """ return (self.is_empty or other.is_empty) or not ( other.start > self.end or self.start > other.end )
[docs] def overlap_with( self, other: Segment, deep_copy: bool = True, handle_mode: str = "merge", sep: str = "&", ) -> t.Self: """ Overlap this segment with other over common indices. :: self: +---------+ other: +-------+ =>: +-----+ :param other: other :class:`Segment` instance. :param deep_copy: deepcopy seqs to avoid side effects. :param handle_mode: When the child overlapping segment is created, this parameter defines how :attr:`name` and :attr:`meta` are handled. The following values are possible: - "merge": merge meta and name from `self` and `other` - "self": the current instance provides both attributes - "other": `other` provides both attributes :param sep: If `handle_mode` == "merge", the new name is created by joining names of `self` and `other` using this separator. :return: New segment instance with inherited name and meta. """ def subset_seqs( _seqs: dict[str, abc.Sequence], curr_start: int, ov_start: int, ov_end: int ) -> dict[str, abc.Sequence]: _start, _end = ov_start - curr_start, ov_end - curr_start return {k: s[_start : _end + 1] for k, s in _seqs.items()} if not self.overlaps(other): raise NoOverlap(f"Segments {self} and {other} do not overlap") if self.is_empty: warnings.warn("Overlapping empty & non-empty always results in empty") return self if other.is_empty: warnings.warn("Overlapping non-empty & empty always results in empty") return self.__class__(0, 0) start, end = max(self.start, other.start), min(self.end, other.end) if handle_mode == "merge": meta = {**self.meta, **other.meta} seqs = { **subset_seqs(self._seqs, self.start, start, end), **subset_seqs(other._seqs, other.start, start, end), } name: str | None = sep.join(map(str, [,])) elif handle_mode == "self": meta, name = self.meta, seqs = subset_seqs(self._seqs, self.start, start, end) elif handle_mode == "other": meta, name = other.meta, seqs = subset_seqs(other._seqs, other.start, start, end) else: raise ValueError( f"Handle mode {handle_mode} is not supported. " f"Supported modes are {DATA_HANDLE_MODES}" ) meta = copy(meta) if deep_copy: seqs = deepcopy(seqs) return self.__class__(start, end, name, seqs=seqs, parent=self, meta=meta)
[docs] def overlap(self, start: int, end: int) -> t.Self: """ Create new segment from the current instance using overlapping boundaries. :param start: Starting coordinate. :param end: Ending coordinate. :return: New overlapping segment with :attr:`data` and :attr:`name` """ other = self.__class__(start, end) if not self.overlaps(other): raise NoOverlap return self.overlap_with(other, True, "self")
[docs] def sub_by(self, other: Segment, **kwargs) -> t.Self: """ A specialized version of :meth:`overlap_with` used in cases where `other` is assumed to be a part of the current segment (hence, a subsegment). :param other: Some other segment contained within the (`start`, `end`) boundaries. :param kwargs: Passed to :meth:`overlap_with`. :return: A new :class:`Segment` object with boundaries of `other`. See :meth:`overlap_with` on how to handle segments' names and data. :raises NoOverlap: If `other`'s boundaries lie outside the existing :attr:`start`, :attr:`end`. """ if not self.bounds(other): raise NoOverlap( f"Provided ({other.start, other.end}) boundaries are not " f"within the existing boundaries ({self.start, self.end})" ) return self.overlap_with(other, **kwargs)
[docs] def sub(self, start: int, end: int, **kwargs) -> t.Self: """ Subset current segment using provided boundaries. Will create a new segment and call :meth:`sub_by`. :param start: new start. :param end: new end. :param kwargs: passed to :meth:`overlap_with` """ return self.sub_by(Segment(start, end), **kwargs)
def _translate_idx(idx: T, offset: int) -> T: if isinstance(idx, slice): start = idx.start stop = idx.stop if start is not None: start = max(start - offset, 0) if stop is not None: stop = stop - offset + 1 # Mypy fails at type narrowing here. # See return t.cast(T, slice(start, stop, idx.step)) if isinstance(idx, int): return t.cast(T, idx - offset) return idx
[docs] def segments2graph(segments: abc.Iterable[Segment]) -> nx.Graph: """ Convert segments to an undirected graph such that segments are nodes and edges are drawn between overlapping segments. :param segments: an iterable with segments objects. :return: an undirected graph. """ g = nx.Graph() for s in segments: g.add_node(s) edges = [(s, n) for n in g.nodes if n != s and s.overlaps(n)] if edges: g.add_edges_from(edges) return g
[docs] def do_overlap(segments: abc.Iterable[Segment]) -> bool: """ Check if any pair of segments overlap. :param segments: an iterable with at least two segments. :return: ``True`` if there are overlapping segments, ``False`` otherwise. """ return any(s1.overlaps(s2) for s1, s2 in combinations(segments, 2))
[docs] def resolve_overlaps( segments: abc.Iterable[Segment], value_fn: abc.Callable[[Segment], float] = len, max_it: int | None = None, verbose: bool = False, ) -> abc.Generator[Segment, None, None]: """ Eliminate overlapping segments. Convert segments into and undirected graph (see :func:`segments2graph`). Iterate over connected components. If a component has only a single node (no overlapsĀ§), yield it. Otherwise, consider all possible non-overlapping subsets of nodes. Find a subset such that the sum of the `value_fn` over the segments is maximized and yield nodes from it. :param segments: A collection of possibly overlapping segments. :param value_fn: A function accepting the segment and returning its value. :param max_it: The maximum number of subsets to consider when resolving a group of overlapping segments. :param verbose: Progress bar and general info. :return: A collection of non-overlapping segments with maximum cumulative value. Note that the optimal solution is guaranteed iff the number of possible subsets for an overlapping group does not exceed `max_it`. """ # TODO: option to fallback to a greedy strategy when reaching `max_it` g = segments2graph(segments) ccs = nx.connected_components(g) if verbose: ccs = list(ccs) f"Found {len(ccs)} connected components with sizes: " f"{list(map(len, ccs))}" ) for i, cc in enumerate(nx.connected_components(g), start=1): if len(cc) == 1: yield cc.pop() else: sets: abc.Iterable | list = powerset(cc) if verbose: sets = tqdm(sets, desc=f"Resolving cc {i} with size: {len(cc)}") if max_it is not None and max_it > 0: sets = take(max_it, sets) overlapping_subsets = filterfalse(do_overlap, sets) yield from max(overlapping_subsets, key=lambda xs: sum(map(value_fn, xs)))
[docs] def map_segment_numbering( segments_from: t.Sequence[Segment], segments_to: t.Sequence[Segment] ) -> abc.Iterator[tuple[int, int | None]]: """ Create a continuous mapping between the numberings of two segment collections. They must contain the same number of equal length non-overlapping segments. Segments in the `segments_from` collection are considered to span a continuous sequence, possibly interrupted due to discontinuities in a sequence represented by `segments_to`'s segments. Hence, the segments in `segments_from` form continuous numbering over which numberings of `segments_to` segments are joined. :param segments_from: A sequence of segments to map from. :param segments_to: A sequence of segments to map to. :return: An iterable over (key, value) pairs. Keys correspond to numberings of the `segments_from`, values -- to numberings of `segments_to`. """ if len(segments_to) != len(segments_from): raise LengthMismatch("Segment collections must be of the same length") for s1, s2 in zip(segments_from, segments_to): if len(s1) != len(s2): raise LengthMismatch( f"Lengths of segments must match. " f"Got len({s1})={len(s1)}, len({s2})={len(s2)}" ) for s1, s2 in zip(segments_from, segments_from[1:]): if s2.overlaps(s1): raise OverlapError(f"Segments {s1},{s2} in `segments_from` overlap") for s1, s2 in zip(segments_to, segments_to[1:]): if s2.overlaps(s1): raise OverlapError(f"Segments {s1},{s2} in `segments_to` overlap") hole_sizes = chain( ((s2.start - s1.end) for s1, s2 in zip(segments_to, segments_to[1:])), (0,) ) return zip( range(segments_from[0].start, segments_from[-1].end + 1), chain.from_iterable( chain( range(s.start, s.end + 1), (None for _ in range(s.end + 1, h + s.end)) ) for s, h in zip(segments_to, hole_sizes) ), )
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError