Source code for lXtractor.core.config

A module encompassing various settings of lXtractor objects.
from __future__ import annotations

import json
import typing as t
from collections import UserDict, abc
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import IntFlag
from pathlib import Path

STRUCTURE_EXT = (".cif", ".pdb", ".mmtf")
STRUCTURE_FMT = tuple(x[1:] for x in STRUCTURE_EXT)

_RESOURCES = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "resources"
_DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = _RESOURCES / "default_config.json"
_USER_CONFIG_PATH = _RESOURCES / "user_config.json"

EMPTY_ALTLOC = ("", " ", ".")

MetaColumns = (
    # TODO: move to docs
    # Taken from
    # Names & Taxonomy ================================================
    # Sequences ========================================================
    # Family and Domains ========================================
    # Function ===================================================
    # 'rhea_id',
    # Gene Ontology ==================================
    # Interaction ======================================
    # EXPRESSION =======================================
    # Publications
    # Date of
    # Structure
    # Subcellular location
    # Miscellaneous ==========================
    # "feature",
    # Pathology
    # PTM / Processsing
    # not documented

[docs] def serialize_json_value(obj: t.Any): """Recursively convert objects to a JSON-serializable form.""" # Directly serializable types if isinstance(obj, (str, int, float, bool, type(None))): return obj if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return [serialize_json_value(item) for item in obj] if isinstance(obj, dict): return {key: serialize_json_value(value) for key, value in obj.items()} try: return obj.__str__() except Exception as e: raise TypeError( f"Failed to serialize object of type {type(obj)}. Cannot convert to string." ) from e
[docs] class Config(UserDict): """ A configuration management class. This class facilitates the loading and saving of configuration settings, with a user-specified configuration overriding the default settings. :param default_config_path: The path to the default config file. This is a reference default settings, which can be used to reset user settings if needed. :param user_config_path: The path to the user configuration file. This file is stored internally and can be modified by a user to provide permanent settings. Loading and mofifying the config: >>> cfg = Config() >>> list(cfg.keys())[:2] ['bonds', 'colnames'] >>> cfg['bonds']['non_covalent_upper'] 5.0 >>> cfg['bonds']['non_covalent_upper'] = 6 Equivalently, one can update the config by a local JSON file or dict: >>> cfg.update_with({'bonds': {'non_covalent_upper': 4}}) >>> assert cfg['bonds']['non_covalent_upper'] == 4 The changes can be stored internally and loaded automatically in the future: >>> >>> cfg = Config() >>> assert cfg['bonds']['non_covalent_upper'] == 4 To restore default settings: >>> cfg.reset_to_defaults() >>> cfg.clear_user_config() """
[docs] def __init__( self, default_config_path: str | Path = _DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, user_config_path: str | Path = _USER_CONFIG_PATH, ): self.default_config_path = Path(default_config_path) self.user_config_path = Path(user_config_path) super().__init__() self.reload()
[docs] @contextmanager def temporary_namespace(self): """ A context manager for a temporary config namespace. Within this context, changes to the config are allowed, but will be reverted back to the original config once the context is exited. Example: >>> cfg = Config() >>> with cfg.temporary_namespace(): ... cfg['bonds']['non_covalent_upper'] = 10 ... # Do some stuff with the temporary config... ... # Config is reverted back to original state here >>> assert cfg['bonds']['non_covalent_upper'] != 10 """ original_config = deepcopy( try: yield self # This allows access to the Config object within the context finally: = original_config # Revert config back to original state
[docs] def reload(self): """Load the configuration from files.""" # Load true default config with"r") as f: # Update with default user config with"r") as f: user_default_config = json.load(f) self.update_with(user_default_config)
[docs] def save(self, user_config_path: str | Path = _USER_CONFIG_PATH): """ Save the current configuration. By default, will store the configuration internally. This stored configuration will be loaded automatically on top of the default configuration. :param user_config_path: The path where to save the user configuration file. :raises ValueError: If the user config path is not provided. """ with Path(user_config_path).open("w") as f: json.dump(, f, indent=4, default=serialize_json_value)
[docs] def reset_to_defaults(self): """Reset the configuration to the default settings.""" with"r") as f:
[docs] def clear_user_config(self): """Clear the contents of the locally stored user config file.""" with"w") as f: json.dump({}, f, indent=4)
[docs] def update_with(self, other: abc.Mapping[str, t.Any] | Path): if isinstance(other, Path): with as f: self.update(json.load(f)) else: for k, v in other.items(): if k in self: if isinstance(self[k], abc.Mapping) and isinstance(v, abc.Mapping): self[k].update(v) else: self[k] = v
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({})"
DefaultConfig = Config()
[docs] class AtomMark(IntFlag): """ The atom categories. Some categories may be combined, e.g., LIGAND | PEP is another valid category denoting ligand peptide atoms. """ #: Unknown atom. UNK: int = 1 #: Solvent atom. SOLVENT: int = 2 #: Ligand atom. If not combined with PEP, NUC, or CARB, this category #: denotes non-polymer (small molecule) single-residue ligands. LIGAND: int = 4 #: Peptide polymer atoms. PEP: int = 8 #: Nucleotide polymer atoms. NUC: int = 16 #: Carbohydrate polymer atoms. CARB: int = 32 #: Covalent polymer modifications including ligands. COVALENT: int = 64
POL_MARKS = (("p", AtomMark.PEP), ("n", AtomMark.NUC), ("c", AtomMark.CARB)) if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError