Source code for lXtractor.core.alignment

A module handling multiple sequence alignments.
from __future__ import annotations

import operator as op
import typing as t
from collections import abc
from io import TextIOBase
from itertools import tee
from pathlib import Path

from more_itertools import interleave, chunked, islice_extended
from toolz import identity

from lXtractor.core.base import (
from lXtractor.core.exceptions import InitError, MissingData
from lXtractor.util.seq import (

    import lXtractor.chain as lxc

    _CT: t.TypeAlias = lxc.ChainSequence | lxc.ChainStructure | lxc.Chain

_Idx = t.Union[int, t.Tuple[int, ...]]
_ST: t.TypeAlias = tuple[str, str]
T = t.TypeVar("T")
_GAPS = ("-", ".")

[docs] class Alignment: # TODO: consider directly inheriting from MutableSequence # TODO: implement vcat(other) or | operator """ An MSA resource: a collection of aligned sequences. """ __slots__ = ("seqs", "add_method", "align_method", "_seqs_map")
[docs] def __init__( self, seqs: abc.Iterable[_ST], add_method: AddMethod = mafft_add, align_method: AlignMethod = mafft_align, ): """ :param seqs: An iterable with (id, _seq) pairs. :param add_method: A callable adding sequences. Check the type for a signature. :param align_method: A callable aligning sequences. """ self.add_method: AddMethod = add_method self.align_method: AlignMethod = align_method self.seqs: list[_ST] = list(seqs) self._seqs_map: dict[str, str] = dict(self.seqs) self._verify()
@property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """ :return: (# sequences, # columns) """ return len(self.seqs), len(self.seqs[0][1]) def __contains__(self, item: t.Any) -> bool: if isinstance(item, str): return item in self._seqs_map if isinstance(item, tuple): return item in self.seqs return False def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.seqs) def __iter__(self) -> abc.Iterator[_ST]: return iter(self.seqs) @t.overload def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> _ST: ... @t.overload def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> list[_ST]: ... @t.overload def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> str: ... def __getitem__(self, item: str | int | slice) -> _ST | str | list[_ST]: match item: case str(): return self._seqs_map[item] case int() | slice(): return self.seqs[item] case _: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported item type {type(item)}") def __eq__(self, other: t.Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Alignment): return False return self.seqs == other.seqs def __add__(self, other: Alignment) -> Alignment: return Alignment(self.seqs + other.seqs) def __sub__(self, other: Alignment) -> Alignment: return self.remove(other) def _verify(self) -> None: if len(self.seqs) < 1: raise InitError("Alignment must contain at least one sequence") lengths = set(map(len, self._seqs_map.values())) if len(lengths) > 1: raise InitError( f"Expected all _seqs to have the same length, got {lengths}" )
[docs] def annotate( self, objs: abc.Iterable[_CT], map_name: str, accept_fn: abc.Callable[[_CT], bool] | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ This function "annotates" sequence segments using MSA. Namely, it adds each sequence of the provided chain-type objects to sequences currently present in this MSA via :attr:`add_method`. The latter is expected to preserve the original number of MSA columns, whereas potentially cutting the original sequence, thereby defining MSA-imposed boundaries. These are used to extract a child object using ``spawn_child`` method, which will have the corresponding MSA numbering written under `map_name`. :param objs: An iterable over chain-type objects. :param map_name: A name to use for storing the derived MSA numbering map. :param accept_fn: A function accepting a chain-type object and returning a boolean value indicating whether the spawn child sequence should be preserved. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to the ``spawn_child()`` method. :return: An iterator over spawned child objects. These are automatically stored under the ``children`` attribute of each chain-type object, in which case it's safe to simply consume the returned iterator. """ def enumerate_aligned(s: str) -> list[int]: return [i for i, c in enumerate(s, start=1) if c not in _GAPS] def derive_boundaries(seq_full: str, seq_partial: str): s = seq_partial for c in _GAPS: s = s.replace(c, "") start_idx = seq_full.find(s) + 1 if start_idx == -1: raise RuntimeError( "An aligned sequence is not a subsequence of the full sequence." ) end_idx = start_idx + len(s) - 1 return start_idx, end_idx objs1, objs2 = tee(objs) seqs = ((, obj.seq.seq1) for obj in objs1) seqs_aligned = self.add_method(self, seqs) for obj, (_, s_aln) in zip(objs2, seqs_aligned): s_aln_enum = enumerate_aligned(s_aln) s_start, s_end = derive_boundaries(obj.seq.seq1, s_aln) assert s_end - s_start + 1 == len(s_aln_enum) child = obj.spawn_child(s_start, s_end, map_name, **kwargs) child[map_name] = s_aln_enum if accept_fn is not None: if accept_fn(child): yield child else: obj.children.remove(child) else: yield child
[docs] def itercols( self, *, join: bool = True ) -> abc.Iterator[str] | abc.Iterator[list[str]]: """ Iterate over the Alignment columns. >>> a = Alignment([('A', 'ABCD'), ('X', 'XXXX')]) >>> list(a.itercols()) ['AX', 'BX', 'CX', 'DX'] :param join: Join columns into a string. :return: An iterator over columns. """ cols: abc.Iterator[list[str]] | abc.Iterator[str] cols = chunked(interleave(*map(op.itemgetter(1), self.seqs)), len(self)) if join: cols = map("".join, cols) return cols
[docs] def slice(self, start: int, stop: int, step: int | None = None) -> t.Self: """ Slice alignment columns. >>> a = Alignment([('A', 'ABCD'), ('X', 'XXXX')]) >>> aa = a.slice(1, 2) >>> aa.shape == (2, 2) True >>> >>> aa.seqs[0] ('A', 'AB') >>> aa = a.slice(-4, 10) >>> aa.seqs[0] ('A', 'ABCD') To add the aligned sequences to the existing ones, use ``+`` or :meth:`add`: >>> aaa = a + aa >>> aaa.shape (3, 4) :param start: Start coordinate, boundaries inclusive. :param stop: Stop coordinate, boundaries inclusive. :param step: Step for slicing, i.e., take every column separated by `step - 1` number of columns. :return: A new alignment with sequences subset according to the slicing params. """ def slice_one(item): header, seq = item return header, "".join( islice_extended(seq, start - 1 if start > 0 else start, stop, step) ) return self.__class__(map(slice_one, self.seqs))
[docs] def align(self, seq: abc.Iterable[_ST] | _ST | Alignment) -> t.Self: """ Align (add) sequences to this alignment via :attr:`add_method`. >>> a = Alignment([('A', 'ABCD'), ('X', 'XXXX')]) >>> aa = a.align(('Y', 'ABXD')) >>> aa.shape (1, 4) >>> aa.seqs [('Y', 'ABXD')] :param seq: A sequence, iterable over sequences, or another :class:`Alignment`. :return: A new alignment object with sequences from `_seq`. The original number of columns should be preserved, which is true when using the default :attr:`add_method`. """ def is_pair(x: object) -> t.TypeGuard[_ST]: return isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2 if isinstance(seq, tuple): if is_pair(seq): seq = [seq] else: raise ValueError(f"Expected two-element tuple, got {len(seq)} elements") seqs = self.add_method(self, seq) return self.__class__(seqs)
[docs] def realign(self): """ Realign sequences in :attr:`seqs` using :attr:`align_method`. :return: A new :class:`Alignment` object with realigned sequences. """ return self.__class__( self.align_method(self.seqs), align_method=self.align_method, add_method=self.add_method, )
[docs] def add( self, other: abc.Iterable[_ST] | _ST | Alignment, ) -> t.Self: """ Add sequences to existing ones using :meth:`add`. This is similar to :meth:`align` but automatically adds the aligned seqs. >>> a = Alignment([('A', 'ABCD'), ('X', 'XXXX')]) >>> aa = a.add(('Y', 'ABXD')) >>> aa.shape (3, 4) :param other: A sequence, iterable over sequences, or another :class:`Alignment`. :return: A new :class:`Alignment` object with added sequences. """ aligned_other = self.align(other) return self + aligned_other
[docs] def remove( self, item: str | _ST | t.Iterable[str] | t.Iterable[_ST], error_if_missing: bool = True, realign: bool = False, ) -> t.Self: """ Remove a sequence or collection of sequences. >>> a = Alignment([('A', 'ABCD-'), ('X', 'XXXX-'), ('Y', 'YYYYY')]) >>> aa = a.remove('A') >>> 'A' in aa False >>> aa = a.remove(('Y', 'YYYYY')) >>> aa.shape (2, 5) >>> aa = a.remove(('Y', 'YYYYY'), realign=True) >>> aa.shape (2, 4) >>> aa['A'] 'ABCD' >>> aa = a.remove(['X', 'Y']) >>> aa.shape (1, 5) :param item: One of the following: - A ``str``: a sequence's name. - A pair ``(str, str)`` -- a name with the sequence itself. - An iterable over sequence enames or pairs (not mixed!) :param error_if_missing: Raise an error if any of the items are missing. :param realign: Realign seqs after removal. :return: A new :class:`Alignment` object with the remaining sequences. """ if isinstance(item, (str, tuple)): items = [item] else: items = list(item) if error_if_missing: for _x in items: if _x not in self: raise MissingData(f"No such item {_x} to remove") getter = op.itemgetter(0) if isinstance(items[0], str) else identity seqs = filter(lambda x: getter(x) not in items, self.seqs) if realign: return self.__class__(self.align_method(seqs)) return self.__class__(seqs)
[docs] def filter(self, fn: SeqFilter) -> t.Self: """ Filter alignment sequences. :param fn: A function accepting a sequence -- (name, _seq) pair -- and returning a boolean. :return: A new :class:`Alignment` object with filtered sequences. """ return self.__class__(filter(fn, self.seqs))
[docs] def filter_gaps(self, max_frac: float = 1.0, dim: int = 0) -> t.Self: """ Filter sequences or alignment columns having >= `max_frac` of gaps. >>> a = Alignment([('A', 'AB---'), ('X', 'XXXX-'), ('Y', 'YYYY-')]) By default, the `max_frac` gaps is 1.0, which would remove solely gap-only sequences. >>> aa = a.filter_gaps(dim=0) >>> aa == a True Specifying `max_frac` removes sequences with over 50% gaps. >>> aa = a.filter_gaps(dim=0, max_frac=0.5) >>> 'A' not in aa True The last column is removed. >>> a.filter_gaps(dim=1).shape (3, 4) :param max_frac: a maximum fraction of allowed gaps in a sequence or a column. :param dim: ``0`` for sequences, ``1`` for columns. :return: A new :class:`Alignment` object with filtered sequences or columns. """ if dim == 0: ids, _ = partition_gap_sequences(self.seqs, max_frac) return self.__class__( ((x, self._seqs_map[x]) for x in ids), add_method=self.add_method, align_method=self.align_method, ) if dim == 1: seqs, _ = remove_gap_columns( map(op.itemgetter(1), self.seqs), max_gaps=max_frac ) return self.__class__( zip(map(op.itemgetter(0), self.seqs), seqs), add_method=self.add_method, align_method=self.align_method, ) raise ValueError(f"Invalid dim {dim}")
[docs] def map(self, fn: SeqMapper) -> t.Self: """ Map a function to sequences. >>> a = Alignment([('A', 'AB---')]) >>> x: (x[0].lower(), x[1].replace('-', '*'))).seqs [('a', 'AB***')] :param fn: A callable accepting and returning a sequence. :return: A new :class:`Alignment` object. """ return self.__class__(map(fn, self.seqs))
[docs] @classmethod def read( cls, inp: Path | TextIOBase | abc.Iterable[str], read_method: SeqReader = read_fasta, add_method: AddMethod = mafft_add, align_method: AlignMethod = mafft_align, ) -> t.Self: """ Read sequences and create an alignment. :param inp: A Path to aligned sequences, or a file handle, or iterable over file lines. :param read_method: A method accepting `inp` and returning an iterable over pairs (header, _seq). By default, it's :func:`read_fasta`. Hence, the default expected format is fasta. :param add_method: A sequence addition method for a new :class:`Alignment` object. :param align_method: An alignment method for a new :class:`Alignment` object. :return: An alignment with sequences read parsed from the provided input. """ return cls(read_method(inp), add_method=add_method, align_method=align_method)
[docs] @classmethod def make( cls, seqs: abc.Iterable[_ST], method: AlignMethod = mafft_align, add_method: AddMethod = mafft_add, align_method: AlignMethod = mafft_align, ) -> Alignment: """ Create a new alignment from a collection of unaligned sequences. For aligned sequences, please utilize :meth:`read`. :param seqs: An iterable over (header, _seq) objects. :param method: A callable accepting unaligned sequences and returning the aligned ones. :param add_method: A sequence addition method for a new :class:`Alignment` object. :param align_method: An alignment method for a new :class:`Alignment` object. :return: An alignment created from aligned `seqs`. """ return cls(method(seqs), add_method=add_method, align_method=align_method)
[docs] @classmethod def read_make( cls, inp: Path | TextIOBase | abc.Iterable[str], read_method: SeqReader = read_fasta, add_method: AddMethod = mafft_add, align_method: AlignMethod = mafft_align, ) -> t.Self: """ A shortcut combining :meth:`read` and :meth:`make`. It parses sequences from `inp`, aligns them and creates the :class:`Alignment` object. :param inp: A Path to aligned sequences, or a file handle, or iterable over file lines. :param read_method: A method accepting `inp` and returning an iterable over pairs (header, _seq). By default, it's :func:`read_fasta`. Hence, the default expected format is fasta. :param add_method: A sequence addition method for a new :class:`Alignment` object. :param align_method: An alignment method for a new :class:`Alignment` object. :return: An alignment from parsed and aligned `inp` sequences. """ return cls( align_method(read_method(inp)), add_method=add_method, align_method=align_method, )
[docs] def write( self, out: Path | SupportsWrite, write_method: SeqWriter = write_fasta ) -> None: """ Write an alignment. :param out: Any object with the `write` method. :param write_method: The writing function itself, accepting sequences and `out`. By default, use `read_fasta` to write in fasta format. :return: Nothing. """ write_method(self.seqs, out)
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError