Source code for lXtractor.chain.tree

A module to handle the ancestral tree of the Chain*-type objects defined
by their ``parent``/``children`` attributes and/or ``meta`` info.
import logging
import re
import typing as t
from collections import abc
from itertools import product

import networkx as nx
from more_itertools import windowed
from toolz import groupby

from lXtractor.chain import Chain, ChainSequence, ChainStructure, ChainList
from lXtractor.core.exceptions import MissingData, FormatError
from lXtractor.util.misc import all_logging_disabled

T = t.TypeVar("T")
CT = t.TypeVar("CT", ChainSequence, ChainStructure, Chain)
CT_: t.TypeAlias = Chain | ChainSequence | ChainStructure

_SEP = "<-("
FILLER = "*"
NODE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(.+)\|(\d+-\d+)")
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = (

def node_name(c: CT_) -> str:
    :param c: Chain*-type object.
    return f"{}|{c.start}-{c.end}"

def _check_tree(g: nx.Graph):
    if not nx.is_tree(g):
        raise ValueError("Obtained graph is not a tree")

[docs] def list_ancestors_names(id_or_chain: CT_ | str) -> list[str]: """ >>> list_ancestors_names('C|1-5<-(C|1-3<-(C|1-2))') ['C|1-3', 'C|1-2'] :param id_or_chain: Chain*-type object or its id. :return: A list of parents '{name}|{start}-{end}' representations parsed from the object's id. """ if not isinstance(id_or_chain, str): try: _id = id_or_chain.meta["id"] except KeyError as e: raise MissingData(f"Missing ID property in meta of {id_or_chain}") from e else: _id = id_or_chain obj_ids = [] while _SEP in _id: _id_sep = _id.split(_SEP) _id = _SEP.join(_id_sep[1:]).removesuffix(")") obj_ids.append(_id_sep[0]) obj_ids.append(_id) return obj_ids[1:]
[docs] def list_ancestors(c: CT_) -> list[CT_]: """ >>> o = ChainSequence.from_string('x' * 5, 1, 5, 'C') >>> c13 = o.spawn_child(1, 3) >>> c12 = c13.spawn_child(1, 2) >>> list_ancestors(c12) [C|1-3<-(C|1-5), C|1-5] :param c: Chain*-type object. :return: A list ancestor objects obtained from the ``parent`` attribute.. """ if c.parent is None: return [] parents = [] while c.parent is not None: parents.append(c.parent) c = c.parent return parents
[docs] def make_filled(name: str, _t: CT | t.Type[CT]) -> CT: """ Make a "filled" version of an object to occupy the tree. :param name: Name of the node obtained via :func:`node_name`. :param _t: Some Chain*-type object. :return: An object with filled sequence. If it's a :class:`ChainStructure <lXtractor.core.chain.structure.ChainStructure>` object, it will have an empty structure. """ re_find = NODE_PATTERN.findall(name) if len(re_find) != 1: raise FormatError( f"Failed to parse name {name} into {{name}}|{{start}}-{{end}} format. " f"re.findall results: {re_find}" ) match = re_find[0] if len(match) != 2: raise FormatError( f"Unexpected match from {name}. Expected to find exactly two items: " f"name and boundaries. Found {len(match)}: {match}" ) real_name, bounds = match start, end = map(int, bounds.split("-")) if start == end == 0: if issubclass(_t, (Chain, ChainStructure, ChainSequence)): return _t.make_empty() return _t.__class__.make_empty() size = end - start + 1 seq = ChainSequence.from_string(size * FILLER, start, end, real_name) is_chain_instance = ( isinstance(_t, Chain), isinstance(_t, ChainSequence), isinstance(_t, ChainStructure), ) if any(is_chain_instance): if is_chain_instance[0]: return Chain.from_seq(seq) if is_chain_instance[1]: return seq if is_chain_instance[2]: return ChainStructure(None, seq=seq) raise RuntimeError("...") try: is_chain_subclass = ( issubclass(_t, Chain), issubclass(_t, ChainSequence), issubclass(_t, ChainStructure), ) except TypeError as e: raise TypeError(f"Failed to infer type of {_t}") from e if is_chain_subclass[0]: return Chain.from_seq(seq) if is_chain_subclass[1]: return seq if is_chain_subclass[2]: return ChainStructure(None, seq=seq) raise RuntimeError("...")
[docs] def make_obj_tree( chains: abc.Iterable[CT], connect: bool = False, check_is_tree: bool = True ) -> nx.DiGraph: """ Make an ancestral tree -- a directed graph representing ancestral relationships between chains. The nodes of the tree are Chain*-type objects. Hence, they must be hashable. This restricts types of sequences valid for :class:`ChainSequence <lXtractor.core.chain.sequence. ChainSequence>` to ``abc.Sequence[abc.Hashable]``. As a useful side effect, this function can aid in filling the gaps in the actual tree indicated by the id-relationship suggested by the "id" field of the ``meta`` property. In other words, if a segment S|1-2 was obtained by spawning from S|1-5, S|1-2's id will reflect this: >>> s = make_filled('S|1-5', ChainSequence.make_empty()) >>> c12 = s.spawn_child(1, 2) >>> c12 S|1-2<-(S|1-5) However, if S|1-5 was lost (e.g., by writing/reading S|1-2 to/from disk), and S|1-2.parent is None, we can use ID stored in meta to recover ancestral relationships. This function will attend to such cases and create a filler object S|1-5 with a "*"-filled sequence. >>> c12.parent = None >>> c12 S|1-2 >>> c12.meta['id'] 'S|1-2<-(S|1-5)' >>> ct = make_obj_tree([c12],connect=True) >>> assert len(ct.nodes) == 2 >>> [ for n in ct.nodes] ['S|1-2<-(S|1-5)', 'S|1-5'] :param chains: A homogeneous iterable of Chain*-type objects. :param connect: If ``True``, connect both supplied and created filler objects via ``children`` and ``parent`` attributes. :param check_is_tree: If ``True``, check if the obtained graph is actually a tree. If it's not, raise ``ValueError``. :return: A networkx's directed graph with Chain*-type objects as nodes. """ if not isinstance(chains, ChainList): chains = ChainList(chains) tree = nx.DiGraph() if len(chains) == 0: return tree # Populate objects' tree for c in chains: if not tree.has_node(c): tree.add_node(c) parents = list_ancestors(c) if parents: # fails to recognize parents as iterable for child, parent in windowed([c, *parents], 2): # type: ignore tree.add_edge(parent, child) # Make tree fully connected and populate `parent`, `children` attributes name2node = {node_name(n): n for n in tree.nodes} node_example = chains[0] node: CT for node in list(tree.nodes): names = [node_name(node), *list_ancestors_names(node)] for child_name, parent_name in windowed(names, 2): assert child_name is not None if parent_name is None: continue parent_obj = name2node.get( parent_name, make_filled(parent_name, node_example) ) name2node[parent_name] = parent_obj child_obj = name2node[child_name] tree.add_edge(parent_obj, child_obj) if connect: if child_obj not in parent_obj.children: parent_obj.children.append(child_obj) child_obj.parent = parent_obj if check_is_tree: _check_tree(tree) return tree
def _connect(_child_name: str, _parent_name: str, _tree: nx.DiGraph): child_objs = _tree.nodes[_child_name]["objs"] parent_objs = _tree.nodes[_parent_name]["objs"] for _child_obj, _parent_obj in product(child_objs, parent_objs): if ( _child_obj.parent is None and _parent_name in _child_obj.meta["id"] or _parent_name in ): _child_obj.parent = _parent_obj child_ids = [ for c in _parent_obj.children] if not in child_ids: _parent_obj.children.append(_child_obj)
[docs] def make_str_tree( chains: abc.Iterable[CT_], connect: bool = False, check_is_tree: bool = True ) -> nx.DiGraph: """ A computationally cheaper alternative to :func:`make_obj_tree`, where nodes are string objects, while actual objects reside in a node attribute "objs". It allows for a faster tree construction since it avoids expensive hashing of Chain*-type objects. :param chains: An iterable of Chain*-type objects. :param connect: If ``True``, connect both supplied and created filler objects via ``children`` and ``parent`` attributes. :param check_is_tree: If ``True``, check if the obtained graph is actually a tree. If it's not, raise ``ValueError``. :return: A networkx's directed graph. """ if not isinstance(chains, ChainList): chains = ChainList(chains) tree = nx.DiGraph() if len(chains) == 0: return tree node_example = chains[0] name2chains: dict[str, list[CT]] = groupby(node_name, chains) for name in name2chains: tree.add_node(name, objs=[]) for name, chains_group in name2chains.items(): tree.add_node(name, objs=chains_group) for node in list(tree.nodes): for obj in tree.nodes[node]["objs"]: names = [node_name(obj), *list_ancestors_names(obj)] for child_name, parent_name in windowed(names, 2): assert child_name is not None if parent_name is None: continue if parent_name not in tree.nodes: with all_logging_disabled(): parent_obj = make_filled(parent_name, node_example) tree.add_node(parent_name, objs=[parent_obj]) tree.add_edge(parent_name, child_name) if connect: _connect(child_name, parent_name, tree) if check_is_tree: _check_tree(tree) return tree
[docs] def make( chains: abc.Iterable[CT_], connect: bool = False, objects: bool = False, check_is_tree: bool = True, ) -> nx.DiGraph: """ Make an ancestral tree -- a directed graph representing ancestral relationships between chains. :param chains: An iterable of Chain*-type objects. :param connect: Connect actual objects by populating ``.children`` and ``.parent`` attributes. :param objects: Create an object tree using :func:`make_obj_tree`. Otherwise, create a "string" tree using :func:`make_str_tree`. Check the docs of these functions to understand the differences. :param check_is_tree: If ``True``, check if the obtained graph is actually a tree. If it's not, raise ``ValueError``. :return: """ if objects: return make_obj_tree(chains, connect, check_is_tree) return make_str_tree(chains, connect, check_is_tree)
[docs] def recover(c: CT_) -> CT_: """ Recover ancestral relationships of a Chain*-type object. This will use :func:`make_str_tree` to recover ancestors from object IDs of an object itself and any encompassed children. ..note :: It may be used as a callback in :meth:`` ..note :: :func:`make_str_tree` creates "filled" parents via :func:`make_filled` :param c: A Chain*-type object. :return: The same object with populated ``children`` and ``parent`` attributes. """ all_chains = ChainList([c, *c.children.collapse()]) make_str_tree(all_chains.iter_sequences(), connect=True, check_is_tree=False) make_str_tree(all_chains.iter_structures(), connect=True, check_is_tree=False) make_str_tree( all_chains.iter_structure_sequences(), connect=True, check_is_tree=False ) if isinstance(c, Chain): make_str_tree(all_chains, connect=True, check_is_tree=False) return c
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError