Source code for lXtractor.chain.list

The module defines the :class:`ChainList` - a list of `Chain*`-type objects that
behaves like a regular list but has additional bells and whistles tailored
towards `Chain*` data structures.
from __future__ import annotations

import operator as op
import typing as t
from collections import abc
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain, zip_longest, tee, groupby

import pandas as pd
from more_itertools import nth, peekable, unique_everseen

import lXtractor.core.segment as lxs
from lXtractor.chain.base import is_chain_type_iterable, is_chain_type
from lXtractor.core.base import Ord, ApplyT
from lXtractor.core.config import DefaultConfig
from lXtractor.core.exceptions import MissingData
from lXtractor.util import apply

    from lXtractor.chain import ChainSequence, ChainStructure, Chain

    CT = t.TypeVar("CT", ChainStructure, ChainSequence, Chain)
    CS = t.TypeVar("CS", ChainStructure, ChainSequence)
    CTU: t.TypeAlias = ChainSequence | ChainStructure | Chain
    CT = t.TypeVar("CT")

T = t.TypeVar("T")

__all__ = ("ChainList", "add_category")

[docs] def add_category(c: t.Any, cat: str): """ :param c: A Chain*-type object. :param cat: Category name. :return: """ if hasattr(c, "meta"): meta = c.meta else: raise TypeError(f"Failed to find .meta attr in {c}") field = DefaultConfig["metadata"]["category"] if field not in meta: meta[field] = cat else: existing = meta[field].split(",") if cat not in existing: meta[field] += f",{cat}"
def _check_chain_types(objs: abc.Sequence[T]): if not is_chain_type_iterable(objs): raise TypeError("A sequence of objects is not a Chain*-type sequence")
[docs] class ChainList(abc.MutableSequence[CT]): # TODO: consider implementing pattern-based search over whole sequence # or a sequence region. # For the above, consider filtering to hits. # It may be beneficial to implement this functionality for ChainSequence. """ A mutable single-type collection holding either :class:`Chain`'s, or :class:`ChainSequence`'s, or :class:`ChainStructure`'s. Object's funtionality relies on this type purity. Adding of / contatenating with objects of a different type shall raise an error. It behaves like a regular list with additional functionality. >>> from lXtractor.chain import ChainSequence >>> s = ChainSequence.from_string('SEQUENCE', name='S') >>> x = ChainSequence.from_string('XXX', name='X') >>> x.meta['category'] = 'x' >>> cl = ChainList([s, s, x]) >>> cl [S|1-8, S|1-8, X|1-3] >>> cl[0] S|1-8 >>> cl['S'] [S|1-8, S|1-8] >>> cl[:2] [S|1-8, S|1-8] >>> cl['1-3'] [X|1-3] Adding/appending/removing objects of a similar type is easy and works similar to a regular list. >>> cl += [s] >>> assert len(cl) == 4 >>> cl.remove(s) >>> assert len(cl) == 3 Categories can be accessed as attributes or using ``[]`` syntax (similar to the `Pandas.DataFrame` columns). >>> cl.x [X|1-3] >>> cl['x'] [X|1-3] While creating a chain list, using a `groups` parameter will assign categories to sequences. Note that such operations return a new :class:`ChainList` object. >>> cl = ChainList([s, x], categories=['S', ['X1', 'X2']]) >>> cl.S [S|1-8] >>> cl.X2 [X|1-3] >>> cl['X1'] [X|1-3] """ __slots__ = ("_chains",)
[docs] def __init__( self, chains: abc.Iterable[CT], categories: abc.Iterable[str | abc.Iterable[str]] | None = None, ): """ :param chains: An iterable over ``Chain*``-type objects. :param categories: An optional list of categories. If provided, they will be assigned to inputs' `meta` attributes. """ if not isinstance(chains, list): chains = list(chains) _check_chain_types(chains) if categories is not None: for c, cat in zip(chains, categories, strict=True): if isinstance(cat, str): add_category(c, cat) else: for _cat in cat: add_category(c, _cat) #: Protected container. One should NOT change it directly. self._chains: list[CT] = chains
@property def categories(self) -> abc.Set[str]: """ :return: A set of categories inferred from `meta` of encompassed objects. """ return set(chain.from_iterable(map(lambda c: c.categories, self))) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._chains) def __eq__(self, other: t.Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, ChainList): return False if isinstance(other, abc.Sized): if len(self) != len(other): return False return all(o1 == o2 for o1, o2 in zip(self, other)) return False @t.overload def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> CT: ... @t.overload def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> ChainList[CT]: ... @t.overload def __getitem__(self, index: str) -> ChainList[CT]: ... def __getitem__(self, index: t.SupportsIndex | slice | str) -> CT | ChainList[CT]: match index: case int(): return self._chains.__getitem__(index) case slice(): return ChainList(self._chains[index]) case str(): if index in self.categories: return self.filter_category(index) return self.filter(lambda x: index in # type: ignore case _: raise TypeError(f"Incorrect index type {type(index)}") def __getattr__(self, name: str): """ See the example in pandas: 61e0db25f5982063ba7bab062074d55d5e549586/pandas/core/ """ if name == "__setstate__": raise AttributeError(name) if name.startswith("__"): object.__getattribute__(self, name) if name in self.categories: return self.filter(lambda c: any(cat == name for cat in c.categories)) raise AttributeError @t.overload def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: CT): ... @t.overload def __setitem__(self, index: slice, value: abc.Iterable[CT]): ... def __setitem__(self, index: t.SupportsIndex | slice, value: CT | abc.Iterable[CT]): if len(self) == 0: raise MissingData("Not possible to use __setitem__ when ChainList is empty") self_type = type(self._chains[0]) if is_chain_type(value): other_type = type(value) else: if is_chain_type_iterable(value): # Doesn't accept unions for some reason value = peekable(value) # type: ignore other_type = type(value.peek()) else: raise TypeError("Incompatible value type") if self_type is other_type or id(self_type) == id(other_type): self._chains[index] = value # type: ignore # overloading failure else: raise TypeError( f"Value type {other_type} conflicts with existing " f"items type {self_type}" ) def __delitem__(self, index: t.SupportsIndex | int | slice): self._chains.__delitem__(index) def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: if isinstance(item, str): for c in self: if == item: return True return False return item in self._chains def __add__(self, other: ChainList | abc.Iterable): match other: case ChainList(): if len(self._chains) > 0: _check_chain_types([self._chains[0], *other]) return ChainList(self._chains + other._chains) case abc.Iterable(): if len(self._chains) > 0: other = list(other) _check_chain_types([self._chains[0], *other]) return ChainList(self._chains + list(other)) case _: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type {type(other)}") def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._chains.__repr__() def __iter__(self) -> abc.Iterator[CT]: return iter(self._chains)
[docs] def index(self, value: CT, start: int = 0, stop: int | None = None) -> int: stop = stop or len(self) return self._chains.index(value, start, stop)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, value: CT): if len(self) > 0: _check_chain_types([self[0], value]) self._chains.insert(index, value)
[docs] def iter_children(self) -> abc.Generator[ChainList[CT], None, None]: """ Simultaneously iterate over topological levels of children. >>> from lXtractor.chain import ChainSequence >>> s = ChainSequence.from_string('ABCDE', name='A') >>> child1 = s.spawn_child(1, 4) >>> child2 = child1.spawn_child(2, 3) >>> x = ChainSequence.from_string('XXXX', name='X') >>> child3 = x.spawn_child(1, 3) >>> cl = ChainList([s, x]) >>> list(cl.iter_children()) [[A|1-4<-(A|1-5), X|1-3<-(X|1-4)], [A|2-3<-(A|1-4<-(A|1-5))]] :return: An iterator over chain lists of children levels. """ # Mypy thinks zip_longest produces tuples of `object` types # probably due to "*" yield from map( lambda xs: ChainList(chain.from_iterable(xs)), # type: ignore zip_longest(*map(lambda c: c.iter_children(), self._chains), fillvalue=[]), )
[docs] def iter_ids(self) -> abc.Iterator[str]: """ Iterate over ids of this chain list. :return: An iterator over chain ids. """ for c in self._chains: yield
[docs] def get_level(self, n: int) -> ChainList[CT]: """ Get a specific level of a hierarchical tree starting from this list:: l0: this list l1: children of each child of each object in l0 l2: children of each child of each object in l1 ... :param n: The level index (0 indicates this list). Other levels are obtained via :meth:`iter_children`. :return: A chain list of object corresponding to a specific topological level of a child tree. """ if n == 0: return self return nth(self.iter_children(), n - 1, default=ChainList([]))
[docs] def collapse_children(self) -> ChainList[CT]: """ Collapse all children of each object in this list into a single chain list. >>> from lXtractor.chain import ChainSequence >>> s = ChainSequence.from_string('ABCDE', name='A') >>> child1 = s.spawn_child(1, 4) >>> child2 = child1.spawn_child(2, 3) >>> cl = ChainList([s]).collapse_children() >>> assert isinstance(cl, ChainList) >>> cl [A|1-4<-(A|1-5), A|2-3<-(A|1-4<-(A|1-5))] :return: A chain list of all children. """ return ChainList(chain.from_iterable(self.iter_children()))
[docs] def collapse(self) -> ChainList[CT]: """ Collapse all objects and their children within this list into a new chain list. This is a shortcut for ``chain_list + chain_list.collapse_children()``. :return: Collapsed list. """ return self + self.collapse_children()
[docs] def iter_sequences(self) -> abc.Generator[ChainSequence, None, None]: """ :return: An iterator over :class:`ChainSequence`'s. """ # mypy doesn't know the type is known at runtime from lXtractor import chain as lxc if len(self) > 0: x = self[0] if isinstance(x, (lxc.Chain, lxc.ChainStructure)): yield from (c.seq for c in self._chains) else: yield from iter(self._chains) else: yield from iter([])
[docs] def iter_structures(self) -> abc.Generator[ChainStructure, None, None]: """ :return: An generator over :class:`ChainStructure`'s. """ # mypy doesn't know the type is known at runtime from lXtractor import chain as lxc if len(self) > 0: x = self[0] if isinstance(x, lxc.Chain): yield from chain.from_iterable(c.structures for c in self._chains) elif isinstance(x, lxc.ChainStructure): yield from iter(self._chains) else: yield from iter([]) else: yield from iter([])
[docs] def iter_structure_sequences(self) -> abc.Generator[ChainSequence, None, None]: """ :return: Iterate over :attr:`ChainStructure._seq` attributes. """ yield from (s.seq for s in self.iter_structures())
@property def sequences(self) -> ChainList[ChainSequence]: """ :return: Get all :attr:`lXtractor.core.chain.Chain._seq` or `lXtractor.core.chain.sequence.ChainSequence` objects within this chain list. """ return ChainList(self.iter_sequences()) @property def structures(self) -> ChainList[ChainStructure]: return ChainList(self.iter_structures()) @property def structure_sequences(self) -> ChainList[ChainSequence]: return ChainList(self.iter_structure_sequences()) @property def ids(self) -> list[str]: """ :return: A list of ids for all chains in this list. """ return list(self.iter_ids()) @staticmethod def _get_seg_matcher( s: str, ) -> abc.Callable[[ChainSequence, lxs.Segment, t.Optional[str]], bool]: def matcher( seq: ChainSequence, seg: lxs.Segment, map_name: t.Optional[str] = None ) -> bool: if map_name is not None: # Get elements in the _seq whose mapped sequence matches # seg boundaries start_item = seq.get_closest(map_name, seg.start) end_item = seq.get_closest(map_name, seg.end, reverse=True) if start_item is None or end_item is None: return False start = start_item._asdict()[map_name] end = end_item._asdict()[map_name] # If not such elements -> no match # Create a new temporary segment using the mapped boundaries _seq: lxs.Segment | ChainSequence = lxs.Segment(start, end) else: _seq = seq match s: case "overlap": return _seq.overlaps(seg) case "bounded": return _seq.bounded_by(seg) case "bounding": return _seq.bounds(seg) case _: raise ValueError(f"Invalid matching mode {s}") return matcher @staticmethod def _get_pos_matcher( ps: abc.Iterable[Ord], ) -> abc.Callable[[ChainSequence, t.Optional[str]], bool]: def matcher(seq: ChainSequence, map_name: t.Optional[str] = None) -> bool: obj: abc.Sequence | ChainSequence = seq if map_name: obj = seq[map_name] return all(p in obj for p in ps) return matcher def _filter_seqs( self, seqs: abc.Iterable[ChainSequence], match_type: str, s: lxs.Segment | abc.Iterable[Ord], map_name: t.Optional[str], ) -> abc.Iterator[bool]: if isinstance(s, lxs.Segment): match_fn = partial( self._get_seg_matcher(match_type), seg=s, map_name=map_name ) else: match_fn = partial(self._get_pos_matcher(s), map_name=map_name) return map(match_fn, seqs) def _filter_str( self, structures: abc.Iterable[ChainStructure], match_type: str, s: lxs.Segment | abc.Collection[Ord], map_name: t.Optional[str], ) -> abc.Iterator[bool]: return self._filter_seqs( map(lambda x: x._seq, structures), match_type, s, map_name )
[docs] def filter_pos( self, s: lxs.Segment | abc.Collection[Ord], *, match_type: str = "overlap", map_name: str | None = None, ) -> ChainList[CS]: """ Filter to objects encompassing certain consecutive position regions or arbitrary positions' collections. For :class:`Chain` and :class:`ChainStructure`, the filtering is over `_seq` attributes. :param s: What to search for: #. ``s=Segment(start, end)`` to find all objects encompassing certain region. #. ``[pos1, posX, posN]`` to find all objects encompassing the specified positions. :param match_type: If `s` is `Segment`, this value determines the acceptable relationships between `s` and each :class:`ChainSequence`: #. "overlap" -- it's enough to overlap with `s`. #. "bounding" -- object is accepted if it bounds `s`. #. "bounded" -- object is accepted if it's bounded by `s`. :param map_name: Use this map within to map positions of `s`. For instance, to each for all elements encompassing region 1-5 of a canonical sequence, one would use .. code-block:: python chain_list.filter_pos( s=Segment(1, 5), match_type="bounding", map_name="map_canonical" ) :return: A list of hits of the same type. """ from lXtractor import chain as lxc if len(self) > 0: x = self[0] if isinstance(x, lxc.Chain): objs, fn = self.iter_sequences(), self._filter_seqs elif isinstance(x, lxc.ChainSequence): objs, fn = iter(self), self._filter_seqs else: objs, fn = iter(self), self._filter_str else: return ChainList([]) objs1, objs2 = tee(objs) mask = fn(objs1, match_type, s, map_name) return ChainList( map(op.itemgetter(1), filter(lambda x: x[0], zip(mask, objs2))) )
[docs] def filter(self, pred: abc.Callable[[CT], bool]) -> ChainList[CT]: """ >>> from lXtractor.chain import ChainSequence >>> cl = ChainList( ... [ChainSequence.from_string('AAAX', name='A'), ... ChainSequence.from_string('XXX', name='X')] ... ) >>> cl.filter(lambda c: c.seq1[0] == 'A') [A|1-4] :param pred: Predicate callable for filtering. :return: A filtered chain list (new object). """ return ChainList(filter(pred, self))
[docs] def filter_category(self, name: str) -> ChainList: """ :param name: Category name. :return: Filtered objects having this category within their ``meta["category"]``. """ return self.filter(lambda c: any(cat == name for cat in c.categories))
[docs] def apply( self, fn: ApplyT, verbose: bool = False, desc: str = "Applying to objects", num_proc: int = 1, ) -> ChainList[CT]: """ Apply a function to each object and return a new chain list of results. :param fn: A callable to apply. :param verbose: Display progress bar. :param desc: Progress bar description. :param num_proc: The number of CPUs to use. ``num_proc <= 1`` indicates sequential processing. :return: A new chain list with application results. """ return ChainList(apply(fn, self._chains, verbose, desc, num_proc))
[docs] def drop_duplicates( self, key: abc.Callable[[CT], t.Hashable] | None = lambda x: ) -> t.Self: """ :param key: A callable accepting the single element and returning some hashable object associated with that element. :return: A new list with unique elements as judged by the `key`. """ return self.__class__(unique_everseen(self._chains, key=key))
[docs] def summary(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: return pd.concat([c.summary(**kwargs) for c in self])
[docs] def groupby(self, key: abc.Callable[[CT], T]) -> abc.Iterator[tuple[T, t.Self]]: """ Group sequences in this list by a given key. :param key: Some callable accepting a single chain and returning a grouper value. :return: An iterator over pairs ``(group, chains)``, where ``chains`` is a chain list of chains that belong to ``group``. """ for g, gg in groupby(self._chains, key): yield g, self.__class__(gg)
[docs] def sort(self, key: abc.Callable[[CT], T] = lambda x: -> ChainList[CT]: return self.__class__(sorted(self._chains, key=key))
def _wrap_children(children: abc.Iterable[CT] | None) -> ChainList[CT]: if children: if not isinstance(children, ChainList): assert is_chain_type_iterable(children) return ChainList(children) return children return ChainList([]) if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError