Source code for lXtractor.chain.chain

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import typing as t
from collections import abc
from io import TextIOBase
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from lXtractor.chain import ChainSequence, ChainStructure
from lXtractor.chain.base import topo_iter
from lXtractor.chain.list import ChainList, _wrap_children
from lXtractor.core.base import SeqReader, ApplyT, FilterT
from lXtractor.core.config import DefaultConfig
from lXtractor.core.exceptions import (
from lXtractor.util.seq import read_fasta

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ("Chain",)

# TODO: support for empty chain in methods

[docs] class Chain: """ A container, encompassing a :class:`ChainSequence` and possibly many :class:`ChainStructure`'s corresponding to a single protein chain. A typical use case is when one wants to benefit from the connection of structural and sequential data, e.g., using single full canonical sequence as :attr:`_seq` and all the associated structures within :attr:`structures`. In this case, this data structure makes it easier to extract, annotate, and calculate variables using canonical sequence mapped to the sequence of a structure. Typical workflow: #. Initialize from some canonical sequence. #. Add structures and map their sequences. #. ??? #. Do something useful, like calculate variables using canonical sequence's positions. .. code-block:: python c = Chain.from_sequence((header, _seq)) for s in structures: c.add_structure(s) """ __slots__ = ("_seq", "_id", "structures", "_parent", "children")
[docs] def __init__( self, seq: ChainSequence, structures: abc.Iterable[ChainStructure] | None = None, parent: Chain | None = None, children: abc.Iterable[Chain] | None = None, ): """ :param seq: A chain sequence. :param structures: Chain structures corresponding to a single protein chain specified by `_seq`. :param parent: A parent chain this chain had descended from. :param children: A collection of children. """ self._seq: ChainSequence = seq #: A collection of structures corresponding to :attr:`_seq`. if structures is None: structures = ChainList([]) else: if not isinstance(structures, ChainList): structures = ChainList(structures) self.structures: ChainList[ChainStructure] = structures #: A parent chain this chain had descended from. self._parent: Chain | None = parent #: A collection of children preferably obtained using #: :meth:`spawn_child`. self.children: ChainList[Chain] = _wrap_children(children) self._id = self._make_id() for c in self.children: c.parent = self
def __eq__(self, other: t.Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Chain): return ( == and self.seq == other.seq and self.structures == other.structures ) return False def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash( def _make_id(self) -> str: parent = "" if self.parent is None else f"<-({})" return f"Chain({self.seq.id_strip_parents()}){parent}" @property def id(self) -> str: """ :return: Chain identifier derived from its :attr:`_seq` ID. """ return self._id @property def seq(self) -> ChainSequence: return self._seq @seq.setter def seq(self, value: ChainSequence) -> None: if not isinstance(value, ChainSequence): raise TypeError(f"Invalid type {type(value)}") self._seq = value self._id = self._make_id() @property def parent(self) -> t.Self | None: return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, value: t.Self | None): if not isinstance(value, (type(self), type(None))): raise TypeError( f"Invalid type {type(value)}. " f"Parent must be of the same type {type(self)}" ) self._parent = value self._id = self._make_id() @property def meta(self) -> dict[str, str]: """ :return: A :meth:`seq`'s :attr:`ChainSequence.meta`. """ return self.seq.meta @property def start(self) -> int: """ :return: Structure sequence's :attr:`start <lXtractor.core.chain. sequence.start>` """ return self.seq.start @property def end(self) -> int: """ :return: Structure sequence's :attr:`end <lXtractor.core.chain. sequence.end>` """ return self.seq.end @property def name(self) -> str | None: """ :return: Structure sequence's :attr:`name <lXtractor.core.chain.>` """ return @property def categories(self) -> list[str]: """ :return: A list of categories from :attr:`_seq`'s :attr:`ChainSequence.meta`. """ return self.seq.categories def __repr__(self) -> str: return def __str__(self) -> str: return
[docs] def iter_children(self) -> abc.Generator[list[Chain], None, None]: """ Iterate :attr:`children` in topological order. See :meth:`ChainSequence.iter_children` and :func:`topo_iter`. :return: Iterator over levels of a child tree. """ return topo_iter(self, lambda x: x.children)
[docs] def filter_children(self, pred: FilterT[Chain], inplace: bool = False) -> t.Self: """ Filter children using some predicate. :param pred: Some callable accepting chain and returning bool. :param inplace: Filter :attr:`children` in place. Otherwise, return a copy with only children transformed. :return: A chain with filtered children. """ children = self.children.filter(pred) if inplace: self.children = children return self return self.__class__( seq=self.seq, structures=self.structures, children=children, parent=self.parent, )
[docs] def apply_children(self, fn: ApplyT[Chain], inplace: bool = False) -> t.Self: """ Apply some function to children. :param fn: A callable accepting and returning the chain type instance. :param inplace: Apply to children in place. Otherwise, return a copy with only children transformed. :return: A chain with transformed children. """ children = self.children.apply(fn) if inplace: self.children = children return self return self.__class__( seq=self.seq, structures=self.structures, children=children, parent=self.parent, )
[docs] def filter_structures( self, pred: FilterT[ChainStructure], inplace: bool = False ) -> t.Self: """ Filter chain :attr:`structures`. :param pred: A callable accepting a chain structure and returning bool. :param inplace: Filter :attr:`structures` in place. Otherwise, return a copy with only children transformed. :return: A chain with filtered structures. """ structures = self.structures.filter(pred) if inplace: self.structures = structures return self return self.__class__( seq=self.seq, structures=structures, children=self.children, parent=self.parent, )
[docs] def apply_structures( self, fn: ApplyT[ChainStructure], inplace: bool = False ) -> t.Self: """ Apply some function to :attr:`structures`. :param fn: A callable accepting and returning a chain structure. :param inplace: Apply to :attr:`structures` in place. Otherwise, return a copy with only children transformed. :return: A chain with transformed structures. """ structures = self.structures.apply(fn) if inplace: self.structures = structures return self return self.__class__(self.seq, structures, self.parent, self.children)
@classmethod @t.overload def from_seq( cls, inp: Path | TextIOBase, read_method: SeqReader = read_fasta ) -> ChainList[t.Self]: ... @classmethod @t.overload def from_seq( cls, inp: str | ChainSequence, read_method: SeqReader = read_fasta ) -> t.Self: ... @classmethod @t.overload def from_seq( cls, inp: abc.Iterable[str] | tuple[str, str], read_method: SeqReader = read_fasta, ) -> t.Self | ChainList[t.Self]: ... @classmethod def from_seq( cls, inp: str | tuple[str, str] | ChainSequence | Path | TextIOBase | abc.Iterable[str], read_method: SeqReader = read_fasta, ) -> t.Self | ChainList[t.Self]: # TODO: consider removing and passing the functionality to init """ :param inp: A string of with a sequence or a pair (header, _seq). Otherwise, something that the `read_method` accepts. :param read_method: A callable accepting a path to a file or opened file or an iterable over the file lines and returning pairs (header, _seq). :return: If a single sequence is provided as a string or pair, return an initialized chain. Otherwise, use `read_method` to parse the input and embed the resulting :class:`Chain`'s into a :class:`ChainList`. """ match inp: case str(): return cls(ChainSequence.from_string(inp)) case ChainSequence(): return cls(inp) case [str(), str()]: return cls(ChainSequence.from_string(inp[1], name=inp[0])) case _: return ChainList( cls(ChainSequence.from_string(seq, name=name)) for name, seq in read_method(inp) )
[docs] @classmethod def read( cls, path: Path, *, search_children: bool = False, ) -> Chain: """ :param path: A path to a directory with at least sequence and metadata files. :param search_children: Recursively search for child segments and populate :attr:`children`. :return: An initialized chain. """ fnames = DefaultConfig["filenames"] seq =, search_children=False) structures = [ for p in (path / fnames["structures_dir"]).glob("*") ] c = Chain(seq, structures) if search_children: for child_path in (path / fnames["segments_dir"]).glob("*"): child =, search_children=True) child.parent = c c.children.append(child) return c
[docs] @classmethod def make_empty(cls) -> t.Self: return cls(ChainSequence.make_empty())
[docs] def write( self, dest: Path, *, str_fmt: str = "mmtf.gz", write_children: bool = True, ) -> Path: """ Create a disk dump of this chain data. Created dumps can be reinitialized via :meth:`read`. :param dest: A writable dir to hold the data. :param str_fmt: A format to write :attr:`structures` in. :param write_children: Recursively write :attr:`children`. :return: Path to the directory where the files are written. """ dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fnames = DefaultConfig["filenames"] self.seq.write(dest, write_children=False) if self.structures: str_dir = dest / fnames["structures_dir"] str_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) for s in self.structures: s.write(str_dir /, str_fmt, write_children=False) for c in self.children: c.write( dest / fnames["segments_dir"] /, str_fmt=str_fmt, write_children=write_children, ) return dest
[docs] def add_structure( self, structure: ChainStructure, *, check_ids: bool = True, map_to_seq: bool = True, map_name: str = DefaultConfig["mapnames"]["map_canonical"], add_to_children: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Add a structure to :attr:`structures`. :param structure: A structure of a single chain corresponding to :attr:`_seq`. :param check_ids: Check that existing :attr:`structures` don't encompass the structure with the same :meth:`id`. :param map_to_seq: Align the structure sequence to the :attr:`_seq` and create a mapping within the former. :param map_name: If `map_to_seq` is ``True``, use this map name. :param add_to_children: If ``True``, will recursively add structure to existing children according to their boundaries mapped to the structure's numbering. Consequently, this requires mapping, i.e., ``map_to_seq=True``. :param kwargs: Passed to :meth:`ChainSequence.map_numbering`. :return: Mutates :attr:`structures` and returns nothing. :raise ValueError: If `check_ids` is ``True`` and the structure id clashes with the existing ones. """ if check_ids: ids = [ for s in self.structures] if in ids: raise ValueError( f"Protein already contains structure {}. " f"Remove it first or disable `check_ids`" ) if map_to_seq: structure.seq.map_numbering(self.seq, name=map_name, **kwargs) self.structures.append(structure) if add_to_children and len(self.children) > 0: for c in self.children: sub = structure.spawn_child( c.seq.start, c.seq.end,, map_from=map_name, ) c.add_structure(sub, map_to_seq=False, add_to_children=True)
[docs] def transfer_seq_mapping( self, map_name: str, link_map: str = DefaultConfig["mapnames"]["map_canonical"], link_map_points_to: str = "i", **kwargs, ): """ Transfer sequence mapping to each :attr:`ChainStructure._seq` within :attr:`structures`. This method simply utilizes :meth:`ChainSequence.relate` to transfer some map from the :attr:`_seq` to each :attr:`ChainStructure._seq`. Check :meth:`ChainSequence.relate` for an explanation. :param map_name: The name of the map to transfer. :param link_map: A name of the map existing within :attr:`ChainStructure._seq` of each structure in :attr:`structures`. :param link_map_points_to: Which sequence values of the `link_map` point to. :param kwargs: Passed to :meth:`ChainSequence.relate` :return: Nothing. """ for s in self.structures: self.seq.relate(s.seq, map_name, link_map, link_map_points_to, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate_patched_seqs( self, numbering: str = DefaultConfig["mapnames"]["enum"], link_name: str = DefaultConfig["mapnames"]["map_canonical"], link_points_to: str = "i", **kwargs, ) -> abc.Generator[ChainSequence, None, None]: """ Generate patched sequences from chain structure sequences. For explanation of the patching process see :meth:`lXtractor.chain.sequence.ChainSequence.patch`. :param numbering: Map name referring to a numbering scheme to infer gaps from. :param link_name: Map name linking structure sequence to the canonical sequence. :param link_points_to: Map name in the canonical sequence that `link_name` refers to. :param kwargs: Passed to :meth:`lXtractor.chain.sequence.ChainSequence.patch`. :return: A generator over patched structure sequences. """ for s in self.structures.sequences: yield self.seq.patch(s, numbering, link_name, link_points_to, **kwargs)
[docs] def spawn_child( self, start: int, end: int, name: str | None = None, category: str | None = None, *, subset_structures: bool = True, tolerate_failure: bool = False, silent: bool = False, keep: bool = True, seq_deep_copy: bool = False, seq_map_from: str | None = None, seq_map_closest: bool = True, seq_keep_child: bool = False, str_deep_copy: bool = False, str_map_from: str | None = None, str_map_closest: bool = True, str_keep_child: bool = True, str_seq_keep_child: bool = False, str_min_size: int | float = 1, str_accept_fn: abc.Callable[[ChainStructure], bool] = lambda _: True, ) -> t.Self: """ Subset a :attr:`_seq` and (optionally) each structure in :attr:`structures` using the provided :attr:`_seq` boundaries (inclusive). :param start: Start coordinate. :param end: End coordinate. :param name: Name of a new chain. :param category: Spawned child category. Any meaningful tag string that could be used later to group similar children. :param subset_structures: If ``True``, subset each structure in :attr:`structures`. If ``False``, structures are not inherited. :param tolerate_failure: If ``True``, a failure to subset a structure doesn't raise an error. :param silent: Supress warnings for errors when `tolerate_failure` is ``True``. :param keep: Save created child to :attr:`children`. :param seq_deep_copy: Deep copy potentially mutable sequences within :attr:`_seq`. :param seq_map_from: Use this map to obtain coordinates within :attr:`_seq`. :param seq_map_closest: Map to the closest matching coordinates of a :attr:`_seq`. See :meth:`ChainSequence.map_boundaries` and :meth:`ChainSequence.find_closest`. :param seq_keep_child: Keep a spawned :class:`ChainSequence` as a child within :attr:`_seq`. Should be ``False`` if `keep` is ``True`` to avoid data duplication. :param str_deep_copy: Deep copy each sub-structure. :param str_map_from: Use this map to obtain coordinates within :attr:`ChainStructure._seq` of each structure. :param str_map_closest: Map to the closest matching coordinates of a :attr:`_seq`. See :meth:`ChainSequence.map_boundaries` and :meth:`ChainSequence.find_closest`. :param str_keep_child: Keep a spawned sub-structure as a child in :attr:`ChainStructure.children`. Should be ``False`` if `keep` is ``True`` to avoid data duplication. :param str_seq_keep_child: Keep a sub-sequence of a spawned structure within the :attr:`ChainSequence.children` of :attr:`ChainStructure._seq` of a spawned structure. Should be ``False`` if `keep` or `str_keep_child` is ``True`` to avoid data duplication. :param str_min_size: A minimum number of residues in a structure to be accepted after subsetting. :param str_accept_fn: A filter function accepting a :class:`~lXtractor.chain.structure.ChainStructure` and returning a boolean value indicating whether this structure should be retained in :attr:`structures`. :return: A sub-chain with sub-sequence and (optionally) sub-structures. """ def subset_structure(structure: ChainStructure) -> ChainStructure | None: try: c = structure.spawn_child( start, end, name, category, map_from=str_map_from, map_closest=str_map_closest, deep_copy=str_deep_copy, keep=str_keep_child, keep_seq_child=str_seq_keep_child, ) if len(c) >= str_min_size and str_accept_fn(c): return c structure.children.remove(c) return None except ( AmbiguousMapping, MissingData, NoOverlap, FormatError, InitError, ) as e: msg = ( f"Cannot spawn child structure from {structure} " f"using boundaries {start, end}." ) if tolerate_failure: if not silent: LOGGER.warning(msg) else: raise InitError(msg) from e return None name = name or seq = self.seq.spawn_child( start, end, name, category, map_from=seq_map_from, map_closest=seq_map_closest, deep_copy=seq_deep_copy, keep=seq_keep_child, ) structures = None if subset_structures: structures = [ s for s in map(subset_structure, self.structures) if s is not None ] child = Chain(seq, structures, self) if keep: self.children.append(child) return child
[docs] def summary( self, meta: bool = True, children: bool = False, structures: bool = True ) -> pd.DataFrame: s = self.seq.summary(meta=meta, children=False) s[DefaultConfig["colnames"]["id"]] = [] parent_id = np.NaN if self.parent is None else s[DefaultConfig["colnames"]["parent_id"]] = [parent_id] if structures and self.structures: str_summaries = pd.concat( s.summary(meta=meta, children=False) for s in self.structures ) str_summaries["Structure"] = True str_summaries["ParentChain"] = s = pd.concat([s, str_summaries]) if children and self.children: child_summaries = pd.concat( c.summary(meta=meta, children=children) for c in self.children ) s = pd.concat([s, child_summaries]) return s
if __name__ == "__main__": raise RuntimeError