Source code for lXtractor.chain.base

from __future__ import annotations
import typing as t

from collections import abc
from itertools import chain, tee

from lXtractor.util.typing import is_iterable_of, is_type

    from lXtractor.chain import ChainSequence, ChainStructure, Chain

    # CT = t.TypeVar('CT', bound=t.Union[ChainSequence, ChainStructure, Chain])
    CT = t.TypeVar('CT', ChainSequence, ChainStructure, Chain)
    CTU: t.TypeAlias = ChainSequence | ChainStructure | Chain
    CT = t.TypeVar('CT')

T = t.TypeVar('T')

__all__ = ('topo_iter', 'is_chain_type', 'is_chain_type_iterable')

[docs] def topo_iter( start_obj: T, iterator: abc.Callable[[T], abc.Iterable[T]] ) -> abc.Generator[list[T], None, None]: """ Iterate over sequences in topological order. >>> n = 1 >>> it = topo_iter(n, lambda x: (x + 1 for n in range(x))) >>> next(it) [2] >>> next(it) [3, 3] :param start_obj: Starting object. :param iterator: A callable accepting a single argument of the same type as the `start_obj` and returning an iterator over objects with the same type, representing the next level. :return: A generator yielding lists of objects obtained using `iterator` and representing topological levels with the root in `start_obj`. """ def get_level(objs: abc.Iterable[T]) -> abc.Iterable[T]: return chain.from_iterable(map(iterator, objs)) curr_level = list(iterator(start_obj)) while True: yield curr_level curr_level = list(get_level(curr_level)) if not curr_level: return
[docs] def is_chain_type_iterable( s: t.Any, ) -> t.TypeGuard[ abc.Iterable[Chain] | abc.Iterable[ChainSequence] | abc.Iterable[ChainStructure] ]: from lXtractor import chain as lxc if not isinstance(s, abc.Iterable): return False ss = tee(s, 3) return any( is_iterable_of(_s, _t) for _t, _s in zip([lxc.ChainSequence, lxc.ChainStructure, lxc.Chain], ss) )
[docs] def is_chain_type(s: t.Any) -> t.TypeGuard[CTU]: from lXtractor import chain as lxc return any( is_type(s, _t) for _t in [lxc.ChainSequence, lxc.ChainStructure, lxc.Chain] )
if __name__ == '__main__': raise ValueError